Blue bells

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Drake stood at the balcony, looking over the garden outside of the palace with great big walls towering over it.
Drake, lost in fought, jumped when he heard giggling.
Drake looked down at the beautiful garden, with lots of flowers and a few trees. A tree in the middle was his favourite.
Drake watched as Zachary ran outside, laughing with the wind pushing through his blond his hair. Light ran after Zachary, him also gigging so loud but so calm.
Drake watch light follow Zachary
Zachary: you'll never get me!
Light: yes I will!!!
Light slipped and fall over, Zachary ran down to him.
Zachary: oh dear! Brother!? Please look up! Are you alright?!
Drake watched closely.
Light: boo!
Light tagged Zachary. Zachary looked at him.
Zachary: >:( no fair
Light: >:) yes fair
Drake: hey!
Zachary looked up at Drake, he climbed over the balcony and looked down
Zachary: hey! Be careful up there!
Drake: don't worry brother Zachary! I will be alright!
Light: woah! Zachy! I wanna do that!
Zachary: what?? Nooo, It's dangerous
Light: oh
Drake ran over
Zachary: I hope you didn't jump of the balcony-
Drake: I did ha
Light layed on the grass, kicking his leg up while Zachary told a story. Light stuck his tongue out at Zachary
Zachary: bruh oh whatever U_U
Drake picked a blue bell, he looked at it
Light: guard??
Drake: yes?
Light: can I tie your hair up??? Zachy taught me how to do it
Drake: of course you can!
Light stood up and ran away
Drake: hey Zachary
Zachary: yeah?
Drake threw some grass at Zachary
Zachary: Drake how dare you >:(((((
Drake: hahaha!
Zachary looked at him
Zachary: you little!
Zachary picked up lot of leaves and throw them at Drake
Zachary: haha!
Drake: ... 1  2-
Light ran over with lots of flowers
Light: hiii I'm back!!!
Drake: hello
Zachary sat across the tree, light begun tieing his hair up,
-ten minutes later-
Light: done!!!!!
Zachary: let me see!
Drake smiled, Zachary ran over and looked
Zachary: wow! That's amazing light!
Light: thank you!
Drake gently grabbed onto his hair and pulled it over his shoulder
Drake: wow! These blue bells look great in here! Thank you
Light: your welcome!
Light let of a soft smile, drake chuckled at this. Zachary sat back down and begun singing.
Drake and light looked over and smiled. Light sat next to Drake.
Drake: little one, your good at humming!
Light: huh? I'm not
Zachary stopped singing and looked at him
Zachary: let's go inside.. I think we're being watched.
Drake: alright.
Light: what?? Why is somebody watching us??
Zachary: don't worry. Everything will be okay..
Drake: come on.
They all stood up and walked inside, nightmares nature sat on top of the ten foot wall and stopped humming.
Nightmares nature: interesting...

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