Chapter 3 - A bloody encounter

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"Dad... Of course Dad would be involved in the assassination. I should've known."

The two started discussing about the possibility of their father being the signalman to the assassination of the president, it soon broke into a small argument.

"How would you know? You skipped out on his golden years."

"Skipped out?" Asked Five, in his voice Y/n could feel that he had received a low blow. She didn't know the history of this two and their family, obviously, but looking at Five really felt like he had been emotionally slapped.

"You think I had it easy, Diego? I was alone, for 45 years." Diego's face twitched at the tone of his brother... maybe he felt a little sorry for being so stubborn about his ideas. "You know what? We don't have time for this right now... Dad's clearly in Dallas, right? Let's just go talk to him. Maybe he can help us fix the timeline."

"Dallas is a big place, we need to find him first."

"Gee, if only we had some magical, old-timey way of finding people and their addresses." He sarcastically said at Diego before glancing at the girl still behind the projector. She huffed and walked to the kitchen cabinetts, for some reason Elliott had stored a lot of shit over them, even the Telephone Directory, for some reason.

"Still haven't heard a 'thank you' or anything." She said flopping the book on the table in front of the two that ignored her, of course, and started their task. First they searched for their father's surname, no luck. Second they went for the name of his company. As soon as they found it they were set to go, Diego lifted the roll up curtain and the two were on their way.

"They okay to leave here like that?" Asked Diego, behind them Elliott was struggling to break out of the rope around him, Y/n just looked at the scene comically before deciding to help him out of the situation.

"Yeah, he's fine. What about the girl?" The two turned around seeing Y/n helping Elliott, she looked back at them and shrugged her shoulders, she really didn't pay attention to her, must have slipped somewhere.

"Shit." Five sighed at his brother words and looked at him walking past the two fumbling with the rope.

Y/n eventually managed to free the guy while Diego was still lost in somewhere after the corridor, Five was pacing from left to right in a slow walk, thankfully he seemed to be a little less stressed the usual. She could only be thankful because she would have not been able to withstand another emotionally stressed being.

"You seem very calm for being in a situation like this. Elliott surely does not seem calm at all."

"Elliot is a over paranoid patient that went through a divorce and has no one else other then his theories to push him through life... he has only himself and his reality." She explained while dropping the ropes on the chair, Elliot walked out of the kitchen to go lay in his bed and nap a little after all those emotions.

"How does that explain you being this calm?"

"I don't need to know shit in order to feel if something is right or wrong." She set on the same chair where Elliot was being stranded, making a little bit of space on the sit for her butt to fit just fine. "I can easily understand what's inside the box while staying out of it."

Five nodded, his lips in a thin line, he was surprised to hear that from a woman in the beginning of the 1960s for sure, but he knew that sometimes people were just wise, even if he still was yet to see if she was just one of those people.

"Do you take care of Elliott? Is he something on the lines of, your boyfriend?" He asked, he just wanted to know who this woman was and why was she here, the less people being involved in this mess he had created, the better.

Elliot's Assistant Or... Better Say Nurse - Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now