Chapter 14 - Bleeding out

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(A/N: Trigger warning!!! Images and Mentions of blood and VIOLENCE. You've been warned)

"I'm gonna end this thing." And she did not disappoint, her shock wave took every person with a fire arm down like skittles. Only trouble was... that it seemed like in the horde of assassins a ball of energy similar to Vanya's was protecting two people. Lila? The other one must be the Handler.

From the floor Lila started levitating, her torso gathering energy, Y7n was leaning on the opening of the barn, her mind doing two plus two faster then the Hargreeves siblings that were stuck and surprised by what they were seeing.

"Vanya duck! Get down." It was too late anyways, another wave of energy broke loose and this time it was a offense of the enemy, the Hargreeves and Y7n were sent flying backwards, Vanya had hit the barn with her back, and inside of It Y/n was thrown on the grassy blocks, head throbbing at hitting the floor after rolling down from the dry chopped grass.

"Fuck." She grunted holding her head, trying to get up on her feet again. A set of footsteps urged her to get up faster, make sure it was Five, or any of his siblings. A crash from outside distracted shortly, she could hear Luther groan in pain.

"You are a problem." A high voice and a sharp pain in her torso took her back into the barn. "That has to be taken care off." Whispered the woman, Y/n looked up towards who she thought was the Handler, Y/n's body slowly bending on itself, their eyes locking, hers full of greed and coldness in contrast to Y/n's that felt warm and humble.

Y/n dropped to the floor knees first, the knife still in her abdomen, footsteps fading behind her, walking down the stairs and out of her ear shot. She set there, legs folded under her, breath raged but mind trying to stay calm. "Don't take out the knife..." She whispered to herself, now feeling light headed, she shifted her position in order to lay her back on one of the wood pillars of the building.

She could hear Diego's voice far away in the field, then a woosh and two people blinked inside. Five was fighting Lila that somehow could blink like him, Y/n had already given up the strength to understand. He blinked away at the motion of the enemy throwing a pan at him just to get hit anyways when he blinked back behind her. If only Y/n was in a nice state she would have laughed her ass off. Lila stepped closer to him, her foot pressing on his throat, pressing a rasp groan out of him. "Eat shit and die."

"Lila..." Whined Y/n from her spot, the two noticing her presence only at hearing her voice, one second that helped Five getting the woman away from his throat.

"Y/n?" Five was coughing and getting up, his eyes on the girl slowly bleeding out. Y/n groaned in response looking then at the other special person to tell him to pay attention to the woman instead of her, that she was fine. Lila was getting up too in the mean time, so he had no choice but to take his focus back to her.

"Come on. What are you waiting for? Let's finish this thing." He urged, now done with this all blinking fight and worried about the girl sitting not far away from them.

"No. This is not gonna be quick. You are going to suffer for what you did." Five scoffed not really understanding what the woman was saying, his eyes falling for a second on Y/n and that was looking at the two, before he followed the conversation.

"Lady, I got no idea what your talking about."

"Ronnie and Anita Gill"

"Mean nothing to me."

"1993, East London. You hog-tied them and you shot them in the head." Five stopped a second, his eyes narrowing, sight searching through his memories, he never forgot a assassination.

"The flower merchants. They were your parents?" He asked now shocked, Y/n could see him grinding a thought in his mind, connecting invisible dots under the words of Lila.

"And they never did anything to anyone. They didn't deserve to die like that." The woman had tears building up in her eyes, the thought of her biological family being killed for whatever reason probably hurting her deeply.

"You are right, alright. I killed them. But I killed a lot of people over the years. It was all just a job, All right? That was never personal." Y/n sighed, her ears were starting to buzz lightly, the feeling of a faint with the rush of adrenaline leaving space in her body to feel pain, she didn't like those words, she already knew five was indifferent with the sport of killing, she just wished to know why, because even if he said it wasn't personal, he seemed to know every one of his kills.

"Never personal, my ass. Yeah, I've killed. It's always, always personal."

"That's why you are not cut out to be an assassin." The buzzing in Y/n's ears grew even louder, and with a last sentence from Lila she fell into darkness.

"Bet your life on that?"


"Hey!! Five! Five, stop" Diego's voice woke her up again, her body was now completely on the floor, cold numbing her fingers, pain flaming from her abdomen, she looked up to see the siblings around Lila, Diego trying to tame everyone, to have a second of calmness. "I got it."

"Hey, Lila. Thruth? She's dangerous. And you're scared of what she'll do with all that new power. That's why you dragged me to the commission. Because I know what it's like to love dangerous people. Difference is... they love me back." Diego tried to assure her in his own way, they were not gonna kill her. Five glanced at the girl sitting on the floor slightly worried, he had noticed her passed down on the floor, their eyes meeting again, worries washing off of him now that she was awake again, even if she looked in pain.

"I know that we can by your family... if you just let us." Lila looked around at every member of Diego's family, his words were true, his words had a effect on her. Silent bullets got each on of them, multiples actually. Their bodies dropped dead on the floor, the last one standing was Lila in shock, the handler had killed her last hope, her last happiness.

Miraculously Five wasn't dead, he was twitching slightly on the floor, seeing his family dead yet again, his own death minutes apart from taking him away. Y/n hissed and called for him, the two looking at each other for the 5th time probably, the conversation of the two women in the back of Y/n brain. "Five..." She choked out.

"Oh, good. You're still alive." The handler had just killed again, she had killed Lila proving Diego's point, and was now walking towards Five, noticing his eyes diverting from something standing, or better laying, on the side.

"Lucky you." She mumbled bussing her self with trying to spot what caught Five interest. Her Eyes fell on the wounded Y/n on the floor, the older woman smiled sweetly and a planted a bullet on her head. Y/n body loosened out in seconds, her whole being laying limp on the floor, her eyes loosing life like a tilted cup of coffee spilling its warm liquid on the floor. "You got to see how this all played out."

Five cried out at the scene, Y/n was dead, just like Elliots death, this on was his fault. Everything that was happening was his fault, he was trying so much to undo it, to make it better. The Handler dropped Dead beside him, the last Swede barging in ready to finish the job. Five glanced at the dead woman that got killed because of him. Assassination was never personal for him, but what was personal were the death induced by his selfishness, like his family had died after the first apocalypse, and how they had died in a domesday.


The Hendler body dropped dead, the Swede had shot her before she could answer to her daughter questions. Lila ran for the briefcase and managed to flee thanks to Diego that stopped his brother from stepping further.

From the lower floor Sissy snuck up stairs, noticing Y/n bleeding slowly on the floor. While Five was deciding a truce with the assassin Sissy tried to help the girl up and patch her, she took the girls over shirt and broke it into a long strip, she extracted the knife that was halfway inside her body and wrapped her up tight, hopping that the wound wasn't too deep and that it didn't catch any vital organ. But judging by the awake state of the girl and possible time she had been like that Sissy could say that it was not going to be to much of a problem, even if it was better to give her the right care as soon as possible.

"Thank you Sissy." Y/n stuttered out, the wraps around her were solid and well executed, if she could hire her in a hospital, she surely would. The mother helped her walking downstairs in a safer place, the wind there swirling with a Harlan still not able to control his powers, well technically Vanya's powers.

"Vanya!! Help!"

Elliot's Assistant Or... Better Say Nurse - Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now