Chapter 6

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Reports say she was injured trying to help the wounded and protecting her wife but princess Ivy and her men are there to help said Hestia. That's a relief we'll go visit to check on her but for now let's focus on the task at hand give the signal to attack said Edana. As you command princess said Hestia & Eva. Meanwhile a battle was being held at Primeval Shore tower on the defending side is a teenage male demon with white skin and red hair, golden eyes wearing black armor equipped with a gauntlet on his left hand and his name is Dagon son of demon lord Abigor and lady Batibaet. With him is a young female demon with honey skin and wavy violet hair, silver eyes wearing black armor equipped with a lance and her name is general Aswang.

Next is another teenage male demon with brown skin and orange hair and eyes, wearing black armor equipped with swords and his name is general Olron. And a middle age female demon with dark skin and curly black hair, blue eyes wearing black armor equipped with a spear and her name is general Aasoth. Status report asked Dagon? Sire the enemy has broken through the first line of defense and is heading this way said Aasoth. How many asked Dagon?

Scout say about 11,000 said Olron. Damn it how are we losing when we outnumber them and where the hell is Nina asked Dagon? It seems her and men are under attack as well and being held back from reinforcing us said Aswang. Damn it all said Dagon. Leading the attack on the tower  is a middle age female vampire with peach skin and pink hair in a bun, golden eyes wearing red armor equipped with a dagger and her name is princess Jane Nightbane daughter of queen's Silvia and Maria Nightbane and leader of the Templars Of The Crow.

With her is her lover a young female vampire with tan skin and messy green hair and eyes, wearing red armor equipped with a trident and her name is marshal commander Neferata of the Templars Of The Crow. Approaching is a female vampire with pale skin and white hair in a bun, pink eyes wearing red armor equipped with a gauntlet on her right hand and her name is senior commander Rowena of the Templars Of The Crow. And a middle age female vampire with olive skin and white pixie hair, golden eyes wearing red armor equipped with a axe and shield and her name is regiment commander Janet of the Templars Of The Crow. Report said Jane. We've broken through the enemy's first line of defense but the second line is giving us some trouble said Janet.

How many sisters did we lose asked Neferata? We lost half that's about 5,500 said Rowena. I see my love i need you to go to my sister Henrietta and tell her we need her assistance its time for me to take the field said Jane. Before Neferata left Jane give her a long kiss on the lips then starting walking towards the tower followed by Rowena and Janet. Meanwhile covering the escape route is a vampire force of 3,000 in charge is a young female vampire with pale skin and auburn hair in dreads, orange eyes wearing red armor twirling around a dagger in her right hand and her name is princess Henrietta Nightbane daughter of queen's Silvia and Maria Nightbane and leader of the Templars Of Winter.

Sleeping in a tree above her is a young female vampire with caramel skin and red hair in dreads, aqua eyes wearing red armor equipped with gauntlets on her hands and her name is commander Buffy of the Templars Of Winter. Keeping watch is a teenage female vampire with white skin and french braided blue hair, purple eyes wearing red armor equipped with a dagger on her left hip and her name is lieutenant Maddison of the Templars Of Winter. Standing beside princess Henrietta is her wife a female vampire with peach skin and long orange hair, brown eyes wearing red armor equipped with a greatsword on her back and her name is 2nd lieutenant Deidre of the Templars Of Winter. Any sign of the enemy asked Henrietta? No but i see alot of explosions from princess Jane and Edana's locations said Maddison.

Then out of thin air Neferata appeared before princess Edana who sensed something was wrong. Marshal Neferata why are you here asked Deidre? Princess Henrietta i have come seeking your help on orders from your sister princess Jane said Neferata. What has happen asked Henrietta? While Neferata explain the situation back at the demon camp fight off vampire's is demon princess Nina and what was left of her army.

Damn it where did all these vampire's come from yelled Nina? i dont know princess but they have us surrounded and is cuting our troops down and closing in said Tuzrog. I want you to take the princess and go the rest of us will hold them back and buy you as much time as we can said Gorzumon. Understood and good luck said Deyja. Deyja grabbed princess Nina then took off followed by Tuzrog leaving behind Gorzumon and a few troops behind.

Deyja stop and put me down i have to help Gorzumon yelled Nina! I'm sorry princess but i cannot said Deyja. Princess Edana striked down a Kobold and could see a small group gather and went over and saw a demon wearing black armor covered in cuts and was exhausted holding a dagger and his right hand. What's the hold up asked Edana? Forgive us princess every time we try to get past this demon blocks our path and he has striked down 30 of us said Hestia.

Alright then Eva tended to the wounded and Emerande burn the bodies and bury our fallen sisters i will handle this myself said Edana. As you command princess said Emerande, Eva, and Hestia. Gorzumon charged at princess Edana who evaded his attack and fired 12 arrows center mass into his chest then Gorzumon fell and died. Back at the tower demon prince Dagon and his army was being struck down one after another by princess Jane. Standing before princess Jane are general's Aswang and Aasoth then they both charged at princess Jane who sent them flying into the wall with a kick.

Damn it she's too strong for us said Asoth. No matter we must protect the prince said Aswang. The two got back on their feet but before they could attack senior commander Rowena and regiment commander Janet appeared before them. You two are an eyesore for our princess said Janet. So be gone said Rowena.

Before Asoth and Aswang demon prince Dagon appeared before them striking Janet and Rowena with his gauntlet sending them flying to princess Jane who caught them in her arms. Are you two alright asked Dagon? Prince Dagon what are you doing here asked Asoth? Before Dagon replied to them general Orlon appeared before them. This is goodbye ladies said Dagon.

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