Chapter 2. Take a chance.

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An: And I am finally back! With another chapter. Yeah, I have a lot to make up for sadly. It is harder to write than Yugioh. That is for sure. Besides, the first time I posted the story, I wasn't entirely ready. I only did this to please a friend and yeah you saw the results. I am really sorry for keeping you all waiting for so many years. Please forgive me! Hopefully life will not come in the way and make you wait for that long ever again. But enough about that. Have fun reading this chapter.

Tora's p.o.v.

"Come now Kitty, don't tell me you are afraid of heights".

His taunting voice ran through my ear as I once again fell down to the ground. Scrapes and injuries were all over my body. Nothing really serious, but still his taunting was annoying.

"Stop calling me Kitty! My name is Tora! Tora, I tell you!".

"Oh really? Well as long as you stay down there, you will remain Kitty cat to me" he taunted once again, as he was looking down from the cliff edge I was trying to reach.

"Grr, I will show you who is a kitty. Striber and I will kick your butt, when we get up there. Just you wait!". Laughter soon followed, which literally pissed me off even more. I grabbed at the rocks on the cliff with my small hands and hoisted myself up. I would show him! I could climb this wall. I was not afraid of heights at all. Seconds later however, my hands slipped, and I fell down again, hitting my behind once again.

"Oh yeah you really showed me" he taunted me with again "You will not be able to win against me when you can't even climb this wall Kitty. Just go home already!".

"No way! Striber and I will kick your sorry butt in beyblading. Just you wait and see".

I groaned slightly as I woke up in my bed at this hotel room Hikaru and I had rented. I groaned again. It had been an interesting dream. A mix between a memory and dream really, and I had liked the outcome. However, of course the sun had to shine through the window and ruin everything. Hikaru was the lucky one. She was sleeping on another bed and was not bothered by the sun coming through the thin curtains. Either that or she just could sleep anywhere. I groaned slightly again, before I kicked my lazy ass out of bed. There really was no point in snoozing all day. After all, I had a goal. A goal to search for strong bladers. Since Hikaru hadn't really defeated the real Gingka Hagane yesterday, that just meant I had to. Not that I minded really. I just wondered if the real Gingka Hagane was as strong as they said he was. Guess Striber and I had to figure that out for ourselves. That was the reason we soon hit the location of the face hunters in search of information. Or in this case Benkei. He did seem to know the guy. There was only one problem...

"Where is Benkei Hanawa?!", I shouted in the face of one of the face hunters I had grabbed rather forcefully in the collar of his clothes.

"I-I don't know. He-he hasn't shown... for a while!", The face hunter scaredy shuttered as I let him go with a big bump.

The other face hunters looked scared from the sidelines but didn't have the courage to intervene. I snort annoyed as I left the hideout. They were utterly useless. I could feel Striber growl in my styler case at my waist. He did seem unhappy too.

"Yeah, I hear you. They are all too weak in helping us find him...", I mused slowly. My eyes flickered around scanning in our location as a thought entered my mind "Could it be... Come on Striber! Let's go back to the Colosseum!".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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