"Gabriel" Headcannons

830 8 9

Requested by: Gigi_Vitelli

1★... the four victims, Adam is his favourite, Mark is their least favourite because he refused die for days.

2★★... Enjoys eating liquorice, thinks the humans are quite smart for making it. Also enjoys wine.

3★★★... Loves attention, any type of attention.

4★★★★... Flexes his wings to the alternates so they worship him for his fluffy wings.

5★★★★★... Pats victim one and two's heads when they're angry at him because he knows they can't do anything.

6★★★★★★... Screams alot for no particular reason. It sounds like binary when he screams.

7★★★★★★★... Hates hugs because people and alternates could ruin his perfect wings or rub their stench on him.

8★★★★★★★★... An alcoholic.

9★★★★★★★★★... Sleeps 89% of the time, on the couch.

10★★★★★★★★★★... Loves lime and lemon, thinks it should be an ice cream flavour.

11★★★★★★★★★★★... Hates touching velvet, he will throw up if he touches it.

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