Chapter Fourteen - Downward Spirals

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Suga sat at the bar, anxiously winding the dial of his 63,000$ watch, as he scanned the selection of bottles behind the bar. He'd recently gotten really into fine alcohols and was growing his own collection at home. He didn't find much that was new to him behind the bar but was impressed by the very bespoke cocktails he saw being created in front of him. He ordered a soda with lime to calm his nerves while he waited for Halsey. He wasn't nervous about meeting with Halsey, but being out in public in a bar made him a bit anxious...lots of people. He took 3 deep breaths and sipped his soda trying to center himself a bit.

"Would you like to open a tab?" the bartender asked.

"Sure thing," he responded like an English-speaking native as he placed his Amex black card on the counter. He wasn't planning on getting drunk, but their schedule tomorrow meant he could have a few cocktails with enough time to depuff in the morning.

He sat a few more minutes, scrolling was especially useful when he needed a laugh. Army were sometimes funny without meaning to be, and it tickled him to read comments they assumed he'd never see.

"Yooples!" he heard a voice behind him, as a hand touched his shoulder. Halsey had arrived and spotted him immediately at the bar. He turned around to hug them briefly, impressed by their impeccably cool style.

"Ahhh, it's been a minute," he said with his gummy smile. They caught up a bit, exchanging smiles, and compliments on each other's latest songs, and then baby talk ensued. Yoongi love love loved Halsey's baby, Ender. They ordered their bespoke cocktails before chatting more.

"What about you, Yooples? Still want kids?"

He thought about it for a moment, truly unsure about what the answer to that was. "I used to be certain, but now with Aiden in my life I've started to rethink a lot."

"Why's that, hun?" Halsey asked.

"Aiden is non-binary as you know," he began to explain, "and they've expressed discomfort with carrying a child because it kind of reinforces the trauma they experienced during life in womanhood." (Aiden uses they/them pronouns)

"I get it," Halsey responded, fully getting it as someone who was also non-binary with a painfully 'female' upbringing.

"Yeah, I understand as best as I can, but the complex part is that they said they don't know if the aversion to kids is about gender trauma or if they just don't want kids anyway. It's tricky for me because in my heart, I definitely want to raise kids, but there's a risk that Aiden may work through their trauma years down the line and still decide kids aren't on the table. I love Aiden so much, but I've also had to give up so much of myself to be SUGA...I really do want a family."

"Totally get it, it's not easy in our position, or in Aiden's. I will tell you that I know you'll be the best father if the time comes," Halsey smiled at Yoongi.

"Thank you," he put his glass up to 'cheers' Halsey. He started to feel slightly tipsy. "Wanna see a pic of Aiden?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeesssss!!! Bring the hotness."


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