gregs thoughts

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once again greg is left alone with his thoughts using the excuse to take a nap.
Greg thinks throught out what to do in this situation and what the future could hold: "alice hmm alice seems like a nice person but you never know who to trust and whom you just waisted the trust on. I should maybe tomorrow try talking to her and atleast act like i get along with her since i really want someone to talk besides ian and bob. I should go out on a walk and maybe check out the broken lab for something innteressting  im sure there is something worth checking out maybe it can clear my head to get a grip to do something about my situation."
Greg secretly grabs some stuff to head out and goes through the window to avoid alice noticing him going out.
He goes outside and feels the fresh air  as he walks to the crater side which is the broken lab.
Greg is a litlle bit scared but ignores that feeling since he is more focused not to fall to deep into the broken lab.
Greg walks into the lab and sees some vines already starting to spread from the ground he thinks: "either this place is getting old or the crazy guy mixed some mutated plants."
Freaked out by the idea of mutated plants greg was about to turn back when he was shooked by a loud crash
Greg with a trembeling voice: "hello is there someone there?"
No reply was to be heard
Greg now has the option to stay in the lab and check out the sound or to leave and forget this ever happened

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