Chapter 2: Nose bleed

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I sit on the bus listening to jocks talk shit about their opponents, the cheerleaders giggle about god knows what, and us band kids just stare out the window wishing this wasn't real. We pass by all the rich Sunnyvale houses and we just 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 we don't belong here.


At the Sunnyvale vs Shadyside football game, Mayor Goode and some other dickheads talk about the death of Heather Watkins & murderer, Ryan Torres. As if they gave a shit. Kate, who is standing next to me along with Deena, looks at us and says what's on all our minds. "Yeah, really looks like they give a damn. The only Sunnyvalers who came were the ones who had to. The football team and the cheerleaders."

"You said it Kate." I agree. But when i look next to me I see Deena looking around for Sam. I follow her gaze and find some football player whispering into Sam's ear and grabbing her ass as she giggles. I sigh and whisper to Deena, "You don't have to do this." But she gives me an annoyed glare and walks away.

Sherif Goode begins to take the mic and give a speech about how sad the passings were. "We must not fall into darkness. We must look to the light."
After the silent from all the footballer players someone decides to break it. "Yeah! What we should do is light a fuse and burn down Shittyside."
One of our football players looks over, "What'd you say?"

"I said it ain't a tragedy when it happens every week. It's a joke."

All the football players start walking towards one another. Their face to face with each other and I know shit is about to go down. A Shadysider pushes a Sunnyvaller. "Say that again motherfucker." And that's when someone takes the first punch. The football players start tackling and punching one another as I just sit there not knowing if I should help.

The sheriff try's to stop the fight happening but doesn't succeed. As they continue fighting, I spot Simon in his witch costume and his skin painted green. He sees me too and gives me a wink and then starts rushing towards Peter, who was beating up one of our star football players, and smacks him in the back with his stick. "Oh god.." I whisper to myself watching the scene. He gives him the finger and Peter did not appreciate that. "You little green prick! Come here, you little bitch! Come here!" Simon runs towards me and grabs my hand. We run away from these assholes together and I feel free.


"Pieces of shit!" Kate yells to everyone on our bus while holding an ice bag to her face.

"Yeah!" Everyone chants.

"They think they can do what they want!"


"They ruin our vigil, then go waltzing back to their mansions, like we're some reject pile that they can step on!"


"Well, we are not the reject pile!"

I look over at Deena while Kate rants. She's laying down on her seat with her head on the edge. She looks lost in thought. "You think she's okay?" I whisper to Simon. He looks at me, then back at her then back at me. "I guess it didn't go well with Sam." He states. "Are you okay though? One of those Sunnyvale pricks didn't touch you, did they?" He asks genuine. "No dude I'm good. I just watched everything without getting involved." Then I take a glance at Kate. "But maybe I should have."
"It's better you didn't." He pats my back.

We continue listening to Kate and Simon speaks up.
"What are we going to do?!"

"We're gonna go kill those preppy assholes!" She yells.


Everyone starts chanting "Kate" as she sits down and I give her a high five.
"When I say Shady, you say side!" Simon screams.



"When I say Shady, you say side!



All the voices suddenly feel a little to much for me so I walk towards the back where Deena is. She's looks at the back door of the bus. I turn around and see a car trailing our ass and beeping their horn. Everyone keeps chanting, not noticing it. Deena tugs my arm, "The hell?"
We look closer and see who's in the car. "Goddamn Sunnyvalers."

A boy in the car throws something at us. "Guys! Come here!" I yell to Simon and Kate to get their attention. "What miss me already?" Simon smirks.
"No! Look!" They see what we are looking at.
"You got to be kidding me!" Kate yells annoyed. We look closely and see a familiar face.
"Wait isn't that?"
"Sam." Deena stares at the bus.

Sam is in the passenger seat next to her boyfriend who's driving. "Where are you going, you pussies?"
Peter yells. Sam looks like she's in distress but Deena is pissed.

She turns around to grab something as Simon pulls down is pants and flashes his ass to the car and yells, "Sunnyvale sucks!"
"Kurt! Help me!" Deena yells. I help her grab a bucket and we hold it towards the door as Kate opens it.
"This is definitely a good idea, right? Kate asks stressed.
Me and Simon look at each other not knowing what to do or think.
"On three, ok?"
"Um.. are you sure?" I look around panicked.
We slowly swing the bucked back and forth.
"One, two.." Kate repeated Deena's name, unsure with this plan.
I look at her and notice blood dripping down her nose.
"Deena!" Kate yells.
"Your nose!" I stumble back.
The bucket slips out of our hand and goes right towards the cars windshield.

The tires start to screech and the car slides off the road. We hear a loud crash. "Stop! Stop the bus!"

Word count: 1008

Authors note: I'm so tired but I am giving my bestie and all you other gays, the Simon comfort you need. I swear I write better when motivated and during the day time😭

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙀𝙉𝘿 𝙄𝙎 𝙉𝙀𝘼𝙍 ||Simon KalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now