Yay chapter one!

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(Ok so before the fanfic starts i wanna tell u guys that the cover was made by my friend Amityblight222)

It was a Saturday afternoon and EB was in her room with the door closed listening to Can i call you in a small speaker while reading some poems when all of sudden she hears her older brother Max calling her "HEY IDIOT COME DOWN LOOKA AND WILLY ARE ALMOST HERE" She rolls her eyes and turns off the music. As she is going down she slaps her brother in the back of his head "shut up Guy jr. is asleep do you know how long it took mom to make him finally go to sleep?!" EB said with an annoyed look on her face "well maybe i would't need to scream if you just stopped listening to loud music in your room I honestly don't know how that doesn't wake up the guy jr. oh and you should stop dressing up like an emo like seriously who dresses up like that now days?" He said while sitting in the sofa "ugh I'm dressed up as my emotions you don't get me no one does!" She said while making a dramatic face when all of the they heard the doorbell ring "I'll get it!" Both of them said as they rushed to the door trying to be the first to get to there, as Max got there first he opened the door to see Looka and his little brother William "Hey what's up dude?" Said Max while giving them space to come in " hey Max, hi EB! Guess what? I brought us mortal combat, god of war, and i also brought us a horror its called Megan is Missing and i heard that the last 20 minutes are  so scary that it was banned on 7 countries" Said Looka coming in with his younger brother coming behind him with two stuffed animals " Oh oh oh can i watch with you guys this time?" Said William getting a little exited " Sorry Willy Wonka but your still too young for horror movies " EB said while looking at him " aw but you guys never let me watch it!" He said while looking at them a little upset "you know what? Sure you can watch it just don't tell mom and dad Like who am i to tell my little brother Willy Wonka to do and to not do am i right?" Looka said while giving Them a smirk "are you sure about this Looka that might be very traumatizing for a child you know? Oh and by the way i'm the ONLY one who gets to call him Willy Wonka"  EB said while looking at him worried " yeah yeah totally trust me he's going to be just fine " Looka said while looking at Max who immediately understood what he was doing "yeah sis don't worry little Willy will be just fine now lets get playing!", they play for about three hours and they all seemed to be having fun " well i don't know about you guys but i am starving umm Looka will you help me get something for everyone to eat?" Said EB Looking at him and giving him a small wink "Oh yes,yes of course umm Mac would you mind taking care of Willy while we do that?" He said while understanding what EB meant with the wink and blushed a bit "sure dude no problem!" Max said while smiling as they both went to the kitchen "so little Willy what do you do for fun?" Said Max while looking at him " well i like to perform surgeries  on my stuffed animals wanna see?" Said Willy while taking the two stiffed animals and putting them in front of him "sure dude" said Max while giving him a Smile thinking he was just playing.

As Looka and EB got to kitchen EB quickly pulls Looka to a kiss wich he happily did it back " wait wait wait we can't keep doing this" Looka said as he pulled away from the kiss and looked at EB "wait what? Why?" She said looking at him "because i want to make things official between us like i want to tell everyone that ur my girlfriend not keep it a secret and then i want to like hold hands with you and ride one of those two person bikes that we only see in movies" He said while putting his hand in her cheek and smiling " ok two things first those bikes don't exist and if they they are probably super expensive and second you know what would happen to us if my brother find out he would kill us both and then he would bring us back to life again just to kill us both again and then he would do the same over and over again" she said while looking at him "can we just keep this a secret just for a little longer? She said again smiling a bit "But you keep saying that all the time................actually yes we can" he said as he looked into her eyes that always made him fall in love while pulling her into a kiss again.

10 minutes later

" and that concludes our surgery for today!" Said Willy holding the plushies that he had just cut different parts of their body and switched while looking at Max who was completely shocked when all of the sudden EB and Looka walked in with a bag of chips and two bows of popcorn " oh what took you guys so long?" Sai Willy smiling at them "we couldn't decide between chips or popcorn so we brought both" said Looka while smiling as he looked at them " dude.........never NEVER leave me alone with your brother again he is a maniac......" said Max looking at Looka terrified " uhhh ok i guess anyways let's just watch the movie" EB said while putting the the snacks down and sitting in the couch, as the movie starts everyone has a good feeling about it they think that is not going to be that scary and hard to watch......but they were so wrong in the beginning its actually pretty chill but then at the moment 56:44 thinks get extremely dark and heavy but they continued watching anyways because they didn't want to be known as the scared one of the scared one of the group, after 30 more minutes pf movie it had finally ended and they were looking at the credits in complete shock and disbelief " heh well it can't get any worst than that right?..........right?" Sai EB while trying to make things a little better when all of sudden the word Based on a true story pops up in the screen "Ok never mind the world is fucked up!" She said standing up and taking the things back to the kitchen " I think i'm gonna throw up" said Max as he stood up "you know umm is getting a little late i think......i think me an Willy should go" said Looka looking at Max feeling a little guilty for bringing the movie "hmm i don't know I don't think it was that bad it was actually pretty chill!" Said Willy smiling at them "dude seriously take your brother to a therapist he really needs it!" Said Max looking at Willy worried "yeah maybe i should anyways see you guys good night!" He said as he left and EN and Max went to bed to try to forget about the movie.

Looka x EB human middle school AUWhere stories live. Discover now