Jelousy (One shot)

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It was a Monday morning and EB had just gotten to school as she walked through the hallways she noticed Looka he was with his friend group so she decided to not pay much when all of the sudden she heard a familiar voice coming from the friend group. As she looked back she saw her classmate Larissa laughing with Looka " Hahaha Looka your are so funny" it kinda made EB jealous but she wasn't going to make a huge thing out of it after all it was just a compliment when all of the sudden Larissa slightly touched Lookas chest making EB burn with jealousy and anger "that bitch!" She said to herself while looking at them but she decided to let go and head off to her first class to try to take her head off of what had just happened, through out the day Larissa and Looka wouldn't stop flirting which made EB even more angry what was up with him anyways he was HER boyfriend not Larissa's ugh she just wished for that day to be over, it was finally lunch time and EB could finally eat she was starving from all the jealousy Looka was causing on her and she could talk about everything that happened with her best friend Angie while they eat lunch everything was ok until she heard Larissa talking to her friends " So like i think Looka is asking me to the dance because you know we are technically dating i mean he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything but I'm pretty sure i am" EB stood up with a angry face and walked over to Larissa while Angie came behind her trying to stop her "that's it! Larissa I don't know what kind of fantasy you have with Looka but i can assure you that he does not like you!" " please apologize" said Angie trying to make EB change her mind "hahaha oh yeah and why? Because he like you? Hahahaha trust me Looka would never like someone like you" Larissa said mocking EB "Yes actually" " Please apologize please I'm begging you" said Angie still hoping she would stop "You slut ass bimbo bitch!" EB said with rage in her eyes "SHE DIDNT MEAN IT!" Angie said in despair "OH YES SHE DID!" Said Larissa grabbing her orange juice cup and throwing the drink in EB's direction but instead of the drink spilling in EB it accidentally spilled on Angie's new jacket "YOU MOTHER FUCKER THAT JACKET WAS BRAND NEW!!!" Angie screamed while running in Larissa's direction and pulling her hair to the floor. As they fought everyone in the lunch room gathered around them as EB tried to break them apart but then Larissa punched her in her in the neck making a huge bruise appear. EB had had it so she ounched Larissa in the eye making her black out and giving her black eye " ELANABETH WEEBIE, ANGIE SMITH AND LARISSA MCQUEEN PLS COME DOWN TO THE HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE" " oh fuck..." they both said as they looked at Larissa laying on the ground completely blacked out "ok i grab the legs you grab the arms?" Said EB ready to carry Larissa to the office. As they got there they layed Larissa down in three chairs while they stood up "what in the world happened?!" The office lady asked looking at Larissa worried "..........she fell.......but first we beat the shit out of her" EB said while looking at her with a awkward look "well i guess i will have to suspend both of yo-" before she could finished her sentence EB interrupted her "NO actually it was just me......Angie she umm she was just trying to break us apart she wasn't fighting at all" EB said trying to convince her that it she was the only one who did it "EB you don't have to do this I started the fight i attacked her" Angie whisper to EB looking at her with guilt "no yes i do i was the one who made her mad you were just trying to make me stop i'm so sorry i put you through this I completely understand if you don't want to be my best friend anymore or even my friend" EB whispered to Angie giving a small smile " hmmm is that so? Very well then i guess I'm just suspending you, Elanabeth Weebie you are officially suspended for a month I'm going to call your parents to pick you up".

Later that day

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID THIS YOUNG LADY YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE!" Said Michellee while looking furiously at EB "MOM ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT SHE IS A BITCH PLUS SHE DESERVED IT!" EB said back to her "YOU ARE GROUNDED NO PHONE, NO VIDEO GAMES AND 100% NO GOING OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!" She screamed as EB rushed into her room and layed on her bed "UGH I HATE MY LIFE NO ONE GETS ME!!" Not so long after a few minutes of whining she heard her window opening and saw Looka coming in, she quickly stoop up and started to whisper "what are you doing here?! If my parents find you we are both dead!" She said as she walked over to him " yeah i know but I just don't get it what happened to you today at school?" Looka asked while pitting his hands on her shoulders " what happened to me? Huh what happened to you? You kept flirting with Larissa non-stop I'M your girlfriend not her" she said looking at him mad " she is just my friend there was nothing goi- wait are you jealous?" He asked her raising an eyebrow " me? jealous? Ha! No of course not i NEVER get jealous" she said as she crossed her arms " yeah yeah totally that seems like an extreme level of jealousy because I don't know if you know this but you don't just black out the most popular girl in school for no reason" Looka said as he smirked " ok maybe i was jealous and what? She was flirting with you and you were flirting back plus she said that you guys were practically dating" EB said while rolling her eyes " wait what ew i would never date her i only have eyes for you" he said as he pulled her to a hug "promise?" EB asked while hugging him back "promise" he said while smiling and kissed her head.

Looka x EB human middle school AUWhere stories live. Discover now