backround for care

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 Care wasn't the best of kids before she'd gotten expelled from her school. She'd worked on how she was, trying her best to change her ways, before going to her new school. Although sometimes she acted how she used to, She was doing much better.

This all started with Care. She was the leader, being feared by kids, mainly for her temper, and her pissy attitude. She made a few friends, who shared the same ideology, so they all got along and made a friend group. The group was feared by most, having power against most.

JC, somebody in Cares group, moved away from that town. because of this, Care got more and more mischievous by the days. Care ended up getting expelled for how she was, having her last warning. She decided to go to Elmore, where she decided to straighten up so she wouldn't get expelled.

Care wasn't dumb, but she never acted smart either. She had a reason though; it was because she thought people would be less scared of her. As of her being in Elmore where   she   is   going   to attend  school  everything  was  going right  that morning  until....
Credits to my rewriter Cassiecaprice

Ex delinquent,  now I'm a nerd great. (OcX Julius Oppenheimmer)Where stories live. Discover now