the first shitty day of school.

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Diary entry 1;

I don't know what went wrong. the morning was going great until I got there. I got greeted by a cyan cat..? and a walking fish. I think they said there names but honestly I couldn't care less. I just wanted to get in get out and go home. Honestly  I don't mind being called a newbie , but these guys are kinda..jerks. 100% less than I was but still jerks , there was also a pink bear, a gross looking cupcake that I cannot tell the gender of, a bomb guy that looks like he was from a 1920s cartoon and a rat that honestly looks like it could have second hand rabies  and a hand with tattoos? They gave me a sorta hard time, but an even worse time in third period where they kept whispering and saying rude stuff about the students in the class saying how in detention slang its 'Daby' the definition is dumb baby which may be true I have no clue I just got here. Then they said somthing about me being a nerd and I turned around and  whispered to them, "Shut the fuck up," then I proceeded  to get detention , the teacher heard me. its only after school which is not that bad. I've gotten far worse but here's where it got worse. I got a what I call a prison talk where they make things seem worse they are by principal brown of course  I never believe  anything adults in school say it all intimation tactic that burns and crashes horribly. Anyway,  I get in and I take a seat not close to anyone, I didn't know them anyway.


THATS THE END OF PART ONE , again helped with everything by my lovely friend Jax ❤.

Ex delinquent,  now I'm a nerd great. (OcX Julius Oppenheimmer)Where stories live. Discover now