1: Jason

234 7 18

word count: 1,230

Guys it's starting! I'm so exciting to be rewriting this, I've been thinking about it for months and now it's happening!!! Sorry, I'm blabbing

without further ado...



Jason wasn't the biggest fan of water, the instinct to be wary of it has always sat in the back corners of his mind. Perhaps it was because of an age old rivalry between Zeus and Poseidon. Or maybe it was the Roman's and their distrust towards water, leading to a lack of swimming lessons.

So that is what Jason blames his nausea on as he rocks gently back and forth in the canoe Piper dragged him into. The calm skies and deep water of the lake he was surrounded by were clearly to blame, definitely not the conversation that is weighing around the two, yet to be spoken.

Piper finally breaks the silence,

"Jason, what are we?"

Jason was prepared for many different conversations, but this simple question left him tongue-tied.

"I- um...elaborate? Please?" He begged.

"You've been so distant lately! Rarely paying attention to me, always running off if we're left alone together...did I do something wrong?"

In truth the blond knew exactly what she was asking. He understood the first question perfectly, but hearing it explained a bit more brought every memory of the past three months to his mind.

The awkward kisses and shows of affection, the excuses, the hiding...he knew he was doing it, and most of all he knew it had nothing to do with the teary eyed girl that sat in front of him.

"No! No none of that has anything to do with you. Or I mean I guess it kind of does, but nothing you've done was the cause! It's just..related to you I guess? I'm sorry, I'm not making any sense."

He took a deep breath and truly started to explain. Emotions he has been bottling for months dumped in front of the two like spilled wine.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. When I look at you the world doesn't stop anymore. I can't bring myself to look at you the same way Frank looks at Hazel or Leo, and I don't know when it happened? It's just like any romantic feelings I had just disappeared one morning. I am so sorry Piper. I've been trying so hard to figure out why, and try and bring those feelings back, but no matter how hard I try to find those feelings, it all leads back to simple friendship. I'm sorry for leading you on like this for so long."

He had tears in his eyes as he spoke, guilt eating at him each time he dared to look up.

Piper had no more tears in her eyes, though she still looked incredibly sad, but there was something else...


"I'm upset you dragged me along for so long, but I understand why." She finally spoke.

"We can still be friends right?"

"Please, you aren't getting rid of me that easily, Grace."

The two laughed, and all of the previous tension disappeared, leaving no trace.

They finally rowed back, and Jason got out of the little canoe with haste, thankful to be on solid land once more.

"Soooo-" Piper started.

She never got to finish that sentence.

"Hey! Hey you two! Get to the big house quick!" A voice yelled a few feet ahead of them.

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