4: Frank

89 7 4

Word Count- 2010

I am so sorry you all had to wait so long for this!! I hope it turned out well.

please enjoy!


Turns out, traveling 3,473 miles via teleportation was not exactly fun.

Frank felt like vomiting the second they landed outside the crumbling inn, and Hazel didn't look much better.

It only took about two minutes for the other two to join the two in London, and Frank was thankful Hazel and he moved before they ended up squashed.

"Is everyone alright?" Hazel asked.

The two decided to take the collection of grunts and groans as a yes.

Frank clapped his hands together, "Great! Let's go inside and then...tell them who we are?"

The group made their way inside. They were expecting to be stared at based on the sheer size of their group, but nobody spared a second glance.

The son of Mars sighed inwardly in relief, he was never one for having all of the attention on him.

They walked up to the counter where a man was sitting on the other side.

"What can I do for you kids?" The man asked.

Well, they certainly didn't think this through very well.

Piper ended up saying, "Our headmistress told us to come here, we're students from Illvermorney."

The man (I really should learn his name) nodded in understanding.

"Ahh, I see. McGonagall told me you would be arriving today. Come right this way."

He lead them down a winding hallway a few floors up, and by the time they were at the end, they were all incredibly tired.

"Here we are! We could only spare five rooms since it's the summer and all, so sorry about that. Don't worry about paying, your headmistress already took care of that."

And with that, he walked away.

"Alright, how are we doing this?"

They all looked around awkwardly. Of course, they knew how they wanted to do it, but Frank assumed none of them were sure if their suggestions would come off as weird.

"Well, Reyna and I should be together since we're both hunters." Spoke Thalia finally.

"Nico and I maybe?" Suggested Will.

Annabeth smirked a bit at that, which left Frank confused.

"How 'bout me and Jason? We need our bro time." Percy said next.

He and Jason did a weird fist pump/handshake thing that left everyone confused.

Piper spoke next, "Well, in that case, Annabeth?"


"And that just leaves me, Hazel, and Frank." Leo looked a bit confused now.

"You three can share, you're already dating anyways." Reyna said like it was obvious.

It kind of was.

Hazel blushed a bit before saying, "It's settled then!"

"How about we all put our stuff away, take a few minutes to hang out, and then meet back out here at...12:45? That should give us around 15 minutes to just relax for a bit." Percy offered.

"That sounds great!" Will said, and everyone else agreed.

The groups split into their respective rooms.

Demigods At...Hogwarts?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang