3: Annabeth

109 5 23

word count: -1,740

This chapter was originally Thalia pov but I changed my mind, sorry



The day before the idea of another quest hadn't quite sunk in for Annabeth Chase.

But today is August 25, also known as the day they leave for their new quest, and that hazy feeling from the day before has evaporated now that reality is staring her in the face.

And she is ecstatic.

Of course Annabeth knew magic was real, she lives her life surrounded by it. This new magic though? Annabeth has never experienced it before. She can't wait to study it, learn the ins and outs, the history.

Annabeth has been shown a whole new world for the third time in her life, and she'd be damned if she didn't get to know everything about it.

She woke up at about 5:30, deciding to go for a run. She put her braids into a ponytail, then threw on a pair of shorts and an old camp shirt she made into a tank top when she was 15.

She left her cabin at around 6:15 when the sun was just peaking over the water.

She heard a noise from her right, only to see Piper stumbling out of her cabin in running clothes as well.

"Piper!" Annabeth whisper-yelled as she quickly ran over to the girl.

Piper lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw Annabeth coming over.

"Annabeth! Please tell me your gonna run as well, I was dreading doing it alone."

The blonde laughed and nodded her head.

"Awesome, race you to the lake!" With that, Piper was off.



Despite the shorter girl's head start, Annabeth still managed to beat her to the sandy beach surrounding the canoe lake.

"You're so fast, I was doomed from the start." Piper groaned before collapsing onto the sand.

"It's just practice Pipes, I've been running for a long time."

'From a lot of things' thought Annabeth bitterly.

"Get down here, it's scaring watching you hover over me." Piper grabbed the girl's hand a dragged her down.

The two girls sat in the sand, illuminated by the bright sunrise of Long Island, New York.

"Are you alright Piper? You've been acting strange recently." Annabeth spoke softly, not wanting to disrupt the peace that has settled around the two.

The brunette let out a quiet sigh, "Jason and I broke up yesterday, right before we got told about the quest. I knew it was coming, but I was still not ready for how much it hurt."

Annabeth wrapped her arm around Piper, pulling her close while the other girl laid her head on her shoulder.

For once, the daughter of Athena was at a loss for words, letting her actions speak for themselves for a change.

The girls sat in silence while they waited for the sun to finish rising.

The purple and pink hues swirled around the sky like the thoughts in their minds.

If the two girls were blushing at the touches between them...

Well that was their secret, and theirs alone.


Eventually, they did have to go back to their respective cabins and get themselves cleaned up.

The Athena cabin was bustling with life now that it was 8am, and she had to dodge people as she made her way back to her bunk.

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