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Running through the halls, as you all run away from a wave of roots.

"Are you alright inumaki-senpai?." Megumi asked.

"*Glug* salmon."He answered after he drank his throat medicine, his throat burning.

"hang in there toge.. just a little longer..."

"here it comes!."noritoshi warned.

The special-grade summoned four wooden spheres, sharp branches shot out of them.

"Don't move!."

before the sharp branches reached you four, inumaki using his cursed speech, stopped it from moving.

with the chance noritoshi opened one of his blood bag, clapping his hands together, opening his one eye with his cursed technique.



Noritoshi shot the special-grade in the face, this time, he managed to damage it.

"not bad Komo."You complimented him.

"hurry it'll heal and be after us again!."Noritoshi said closing his eye, as you guys ran up the stairs.

"koff!"inumaki coughed, pulling out his throat medicine to drink again.

you glanced at him with worried eyes.

"just a little more toge... please..hang in there.."you placed your hand on his shoulder."You good?."You asked

"salmon..koff!."his voice was raspy and hoarse.

You were quite irritated at yourself right now, for not being able to do something. you're a special-grade yet your're relying on your friend.

you felt useless.

"I have a plan. though I need an open space to fight all out."You told them.

"a plan?."

"out of all of us here right now, I am the only one who's capable of exorcising it 'not that I'm underestimating you guys or anything...' just trust me. I have no plan on holding back"You explained.


How many times had megumi called you?

"we got it. well back you up."Noritoshi nodded.


Came to view a light shinning from the outside. you guys jumped out off the balcony landing on the roof.

"inumaki-senpai will stop it. don't be Afraid."Megumi told nue, who he summoned.

"all I need is for nue to create an opening..."You thought.

Nue launched towards the special-grade, as inumaki opened his mouth to use his cursed speech... however.


you and noritoshi's eyes went wide, when the special-grade didn't stop, and stabbed nue. your heart began beating wildly, you both turned around to see inumaki who was on his knees, blood flowing out his throat.

"inumaki reached his limit!."

The special-grade was already in front of noritoshi without him noticing. punching him right onto the roof.


The special-grade, summoned another three wooden spheres, a sharp root shot out of it. you and megumi avoiding it by backing up.

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