Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 -

The Avengers just left my dimension back to Rome. I am currently sprawled out on the grass at the base of the tree I was sitting at before, focusing on nothing but the clouds flying up above. Everything went ok and I'm grateful Thor was smart enough to convince the others to leave before they attempted to get me to go with them forcefully, as that wouldn't have led to anything good on the 'Avengers' side.

My whole body aches and my head is spinning, filled with questions like how the hell did the hunters get a mage to help them and when did the humans find the tesseract, last I had known it was hidden away in Norway, I had seen to that. After laying in silence for a while my eyelids grow heavy and I slowly drift into a dreamless sleep.


"Ari." someone whispers softly, causing me to slowly regain consciousness. "Come on Ariavanna it's time to get up." I groan at the disturbance; still not awake enough to discern who the person is but it is obviously someone I know otherwise they'd have not been able to enter my domain uninvited, benefits of being magic. They lightly grab my shoulders and pull me up to a sitting position leaning against their side, my head on their shoulder. "That's it, sister, I know the feeling."

I open my eyes fully and smile brightly when I realise it's my twin brother Ira. As I look around, I notice we are still in the same place I fell asleep, the sun remaining in its place high in the sky as always. "Good to see you brother." I mumble back as I lean my head on his shoulder again.

"Its been a while."

"mmhmm" "Why'd you come back?" I question.

"I sensed your resurrection. You died sister." he says, his voice filled with worry.

"I realise that brother, that being the reason I feel like shit right now." I joke back

"Yes well, you died on earth... At the hands of the hunters. Would you like to talk about it?" He looks down to me, scanning my face.

I stand abruptly, well as quickly as I can with my head still throbbing. "I know Ira! They got past our wards and had the nerve to kill me on one of OUR planet using a mage! Not even a good mage at that, they got a weak one so I wouldn't sense them quick enough." I huff, all the anger I'd been feeling toward the hunters now rising up inside me. I throw my arm out and angrily throw a ball of fire towards the nearest tree, making it go up in flames. A few seconds after my outburst, a sharp pain shoots through my body and I involuntarily fall down onto one knee. I huff in annoyance. "I forgot how weak this form was." instead of trying to stand again I accept defeat and make myself comfortable on the grass, legs crossed and face towards Ira.

"Here, you should eat something. And we both know you wouldn't trade being able to take this form for anything" He says as holds out his hand and summons a nicely wrapped sandwich and a bottle of water.

"Thank you brother" I gladly take the food and open the bottle immediately skulling down the lot. As soon as I swallow the water I feel a considerable amount better. "I'm guessing you didn't get this at any normal midguardian restaurant?" I laugh softly.

"No, I made them myself, glad to see the spell is working."

"Wonderfully, thank you." I continue eating and drinking, after I finish my energy is almost completely replenished. We sit in silence for a few minutes both of us just staring out to the landscape around us. "I wish I could just transform back into my true form and kill all the hunters, but they are always too spread out and their misleading teachings are too deeply rooted it's impossible to kill them without causing mass casualties to innocent bystanders. We kill all the hunters and they're back in a few generations." I huff.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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