Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I am quickly pulled from the memory and thrust back into the dark void I was in before the memory started. But after a few seconds of silence, everything starts shifting again. I blink rapidly as a blinding light appears and loud chatter and background noise starts appearing around me. As my eyes adjust, I look up and realise I am back in the same spot in Rome, still kneeling in the spot I was killed. I smile softly, I am finally back in the land of the living.

For a minute, I stay planted on one knee, watching as people continue to crowd the streets around me, each walking with separate goals and plans in mind, a few casting a confused glance my way. Usually when I 'die' it takes a while for my form to regenerate, sometimes a mere few weeks but other times up to 100 earth years, depending on my willpower at the time to get back. At this point in time, I have nothing grounding me to reality so I am not surprised at the drastically different styles of clothing the people are currently sporting. 

After a moment I slowly make my way up to my feet, I feel slightly uneasy at the moment as my body is still gathering strength. I quickly regain my balance and my eyes widen as I take in the scene around me. The streets are 10 times more crowded than the last time I was here and many people seem to be focused on a small technological device they are carrying with them. There are also a few motorised bicycles roaming in between the streets, looking drastically different from the ones we had in the 1900s. I've had a lot of experience with technology on countless other more technologically advanced planets but the earthlings had never previously made such developments. A sense of pride washes over me as I see how far humans have come since 1912. 

I continue looking around with a smile residing on my face at the scene surrounding me but my happiness falters as I spot someone looking at me through the swarm of civilians. A tall, well-built blonde man with a cap, sunglasses and a hood pulled over his head, standing about 300 feet down the street. He meets my gaze for a few seconds before he quickly looks down and swiftly walks down a side street. Confusion rising within me, I start to walk cautiously towards where he was standing, pushing my way through the crowd. It was obvious he was being overly cautious and trying too hard to blend in, and something wasn't sitting right with me so I go to check it out. Recalling my recent experiences with Rome, I subtly use my magic to summon my sword, it sits comfortably in its holster at my left side. Slowly but surely, I continue onward but I stop dead in my tracks as I hear someone in the distance say through a radio, "Target spotted, moving in on her."

My heartbeat starts to pick up and I look around more frantically searching for the source. I get some strange looks from a few locals, but a second later, a few people dressed in tactical gear appear, step out from behind various buildings and fruit stalls. There is one among them that stands out, a red-haired woman with a pistol that the other agents seem to be following. I sigh and relax slightly, realizing they aren't an immediate threat, and instead just a few coordinated earthlings interested in me for some reason. 

I meet the red-head woman's gaze and give her a slight nod, ignoring her confused expression. Before they can reach me, I turn around and use my powers to open a portal, it appears in a bright burst of swirling smoke and harmless red and orange flames. I cast a glance back at the agents signaling they should follow me. I step through and am transported into one of my pocket dimensions. However, I leave it open so that they are able to follow me through. 

The portals destination is one of my pocket dimensions, a domain of pure magic. It appears as an endless grass field with the occasional tree scattered around the horizon, the sun always remains high in the sky. It leaves for plenty of room for any 'discussions', them being violent or not violent (preferably the latter). With no risk of hurting anyone or destroying any cities. Sadly, I had learnt the hard way this kind of place would be needed. 

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