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Once upon a time, there was a healthy family. One father. One mother and one child. The child's name was Ella, and she was loved by the parents. One sad day Ella finds herself dressed in all black weeping at her mother's grave. A few years went by, and her dad married a young beautiful woman. But little did the dad know that when he passed away, Ella's pretty dream would become a living nightmare and so everybody knows how the story goes, Ella becomes a victim of child abuse. Forced to sleep in the attic, Prince hosts a party for all girls to become his bride. Ella gets an answer of no, Stepsister's rips dress, and Fairy godmother appears out of thin air " Literally? She cries out salty tears. Goes to the ball. The prince dances with her and her only. The clock strikes 12. Girl runs as her weak leg can carry. "Run Forest Run '' Drops shoes, and Prince gets shoes. Wasted his time looking for her. Stepsister tries but fails. " When you try your best, but you don't succeed '' Ella tries it Oh my! It fits! Stepsister gets stepped on. Get it!◕‿◕ . Oh right. The girl. Where was I? Oh yeah, and they live happily ever after... but wait. Hold up. What if we change that up again with no fairy godmother? Let's hit it.

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