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An anxious mother was sitting in a hospital bed, waiting for her baby to be born. She wanted her child to be different and not raised like her grandmother, who was like a pretty Polish Barbie. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Ms. Evergreen, would you mind writing your baby's name?" The baby's name was Stella. As Stella grew up, her mother trained her in combat skills, reading, archery, and coding. Stella developed a keen interest in coding and at the age of twelve, she was already taking things apart and building video games. Sadly, at the age of thirteen, her mother passed away, and Stella was put up for adoption. Fortunately, she was adopted by a rich family with a couple and two girls. Stella hoped she could fit in with the family as she wasn't raised normally. She bonded quickly with her dad, and they grew close.

Should I say it?



passed away (Whispers)

So, she stayed with her stepmom hoping that she wouldn't have to lose someone else, but stepmom had other plans.

"Stella! Maybe the dog did not wake up yet or the roster died! Get your lazy self out of bed and start your day!"

Stella opened her brown hazel eyes. It was twelve fifty-seven. Maybe you should've woken me up earlier. She thought as she flew to the steps. As she was passing her sister's room, dirty underwear hit her on her face.

"Hey! You forgot to do my laundry! Get it done soon 'cause my boyfriend is coming over and I don't want him to run away!" Her older stepsister called.

That's Hellen. She is the curliest one of the sisters. Stella thought about it. She wanted to have fun and guess what? She did.

"Which boyfriend? Side Boyfriend one with the blond hair or side boyfriend two with the dyed hair of side boyfriend three with the black hair or side emo boyfriend four," She paused for a dramatic breath." Or your sister's boyfriend Hmmm?"

Hellen turned bright red. "You little..."

Stella felt the string before she heard the slap. But wait. It wasn't Hellen who slapped her. It was her sister.

"How dare you talk back to my sister. Know your place!" She spat.

Oh, Stella wasn't shocked. She wasn't surprised. She was intrigued.

"Liz, Liz, Liz, Good morning. How did you sleep last night? Did you like my gift?" She turned to face her.

Last night, Stella sank into Liz's bedroom while the twins ate and put a toy frog under her pillow. She heard Liz's screams as she closed the latch to the attic.

"You rat!" Liz growled and pounced on Stella.

The girls wrestled on the floor. Throwing punches and kicks. Of course, from experience, Stella won. Hellen and the stepmom pulled them away as soon as Stella was reaching for a lighter.

"You're lucky my mom is going easy on you!" Liz's voice drowned out as Hellen closed the door.

"You! Go to the supermarket and don't come back till you get fifteen dozen eggs.!"


 Stella rolled her eyes and grabbed her cap off the table.

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