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Recap: "Which boyfriend again? Stella smirked.

"You little..."

"You! Go to the supermarket and get fifteen cartoons of eggs!"


Stella walked and walked. She honestly didn't care. So, what they do is blame her. She was used to it. A gust of wind passed by knocking her cap off. She raced to get it not long before she tripped. 😆 Two rich-looking people were behind an old tree talking in hush voices. Stella, the stalker she is, hid behind a tree to listen. "The boy needs to learn some discipline. Going on like this he will never succeed." The woman said.

The man kicked some pebbles and then spat on the ground. Stella gagged.

"And how do we do that? We tried everything. We took away his phone. His video games. We even took away Tina!" He spoke.

"I'm guessing we have no choice."

The couple walked away. What was that about? Stella thought as she reached the store. Later at the cash register, she put down all of the eggs.



"Got in a fight with your siblings?"

Stella looked up. "What?"

The chaser repeated the question but was cut off when Stella interrupted him.

"Yeah, I did not hear you the first time." She said sarcastically.

The bottom of the boy's lips twitched. Oh no. Stella thought. That's not a good sign. The boy looked her up and down then reached into his pocket and showed the phone to her. She looked at the camera. Liz had given her a black eye.

"Don't worry. I've gotten so much worse. You'll be fine." He spoke.

"And why are you talking to me?" She asked.

"Your total is $72.3." Ditching the question. "My shift is over soon, and I am heading to Starbucks. If you want to talk about it."

Stella turned around and pretended to talk to someone.

She huffed. "I can't believe that I am talking to a guy who I barely know. I mean like, he's a stranger and..."

She turned around.

"Now he's butt naked."

"Hey, nobody will mind. Watch." He then had the balls to stand on the table.

(This boy does have the balls. I'd faint if this was me.)

"Hey, look at me I'm butt naked!"

Everybody turned and then went back to what they were doing.

"Ok! Just get off!" She said motioning him down. "Fine. I'll tag along only because you are interesting, and I don't want to come home to my wicked little stepfamily."

She put on her cap. "Be out in 5."


"So, you were adopted, and your stepmom has treated you like trash since your stepdad passed. No wonder you bought 15 cartons of eggs."

Stepmom thought they were running out and wanted to taunt her.


 Stella was so caught up in talking and seeing him naked without taking his looks.

Green eyes. Blonde curly hair. Italian looking. Apart from Stella, she had brown eyes, Light tan skin and black hair. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Ok," Blondy said.

Stella looked up. She expected a 'You should be lady-like!' or 'That's because you are ugly.'

"I think it's cool that a girl likes to play video games and code stuff. And you made an AI Robot from cardboard.

"Hmm," walking slowly and processing what Blondie told her she took it in. It's amazing how a girl with a big ego understands a small compliment.

"I'm running away now. That's why I needed someone to talk to before I go."

The new friends talked forever. So long that Stella forgot about the stepmom.

"6:45 pm! I have to get back before..."

"HEY! GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!! NO ONE MAKE A SOUND!" A man dressed in black pointed a knife at both of them.  Great way to end the night.

Coner to the back ally. Stella got a brilliant idea and put her acting skills to the test.

"PLEASE SIR! WE'RE TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" She cried. Getting down on her hands and knees, she kissed the guy's shoe.

Both blondie and the dude's face were priceless! 😭

"You!" He swung his foot to hit her in the head, but she was faster. She grabbed his foot and twisted it over her with a satisfying crack.

He ran away in agony. 

Stella dusted herself off and grabbed the eggs. "I'm Finna goes now. Bye, mister,"


He watched her walk away. "Yes," he thought heading towards the light. "Skyler Phillps."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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