Quincy and Power

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Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to the next two chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'


Chapter 5 (A Zanpakutō of Blood), Chapter 6 (Training), Chapter 7 (One More Time), and Chapter 8 (Naruto vs. Ichigo) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile

"How are you doing, Ichigo?" Naruto questioned the ginger-haired boy who was eyeing Ishida suspiciously; the blonde looked over where Ichigo was looking to see the guy who he knew was a Quincy. A sudden smirk formed on his face, seeing an opportunity to mess with Ichigo.

"Didn't know you swung that way, Ichigo!" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow causing Ichigo to abruptly turn his head to Naruto, almost snapping it.

"WHAT???" He shrieked, making several students nearby flinch at the sudden loud noise near them; Naruto simply rubbed his ears with a constant smile.

"It was a simple question; there's nothing wrong wi-" "Is Not Like that Naruto, I like Girls," Ichigo shouted, interrupting him mid-sentence, earning several chuckles around them.

He really likes to mess with people, Ichigo thought annoyedly.

Naruto noticed the unmistakable look from Orihime; her eyes were looking at the ginger boy. Tatsuki briefly glanced at Ichigo with a brief blush on her face, and Rukia eyed Ichigo up and down.

I see; it seems Ichigo has caught three on his hook, Naruto thought before moving his arm around Ichigo's neck, giving him a side hug.

"Tell me, which one is? Is it Tatsuki?" Naruto questioned, still smirking, his voice low, yet the whole class could hear him just fine.

Ichigo looked away with a slight blush when he heard his words, not uttering a single word.

"Or maybe is Orihime?" Naruto prompted teasingly; Ichigo blushed, even more, much to the delight of the said girl, who almost squealed; the ginger boy knew his blonde friend was enjoying this, putting him in the spotlight, he could tell almost the entire class was enjoying the little show, and this was slowly getting into his nerves.

"Or maybe Rukia-" "Okay, Enough," Ichigo interrupted him, standing up and moving away from his blonde friend.

His mind went to Ishida, remembering his words saying that he hated Shinigamis, Looking at where he was a minute ago only to see that he wasn't there anymore. Where are you? Ichigo thought, looking around, not seeing him anymore, Rukia walking up to him.

"Ichigo, we need to talk," she said seriously; reluctantly, he followed her outside, not noticing the looks they were getting from their friends.

"Soo, do you think something is going between them?" Orihime started uncertainly looking at Tatsuki, whose eyebrows twitched in what could be described as an annoyance.

"Bahh, I don't think so. I told you he doesn't even know what love is," She responded with annoyance seeping into her voice, coughing the attention of Chad and Naruto.

"I wouldn't be so sure, I think Ichigo holds more love than all of us combined, but there's nothing wrong with sharing that love between you three," Naruto replied shyly, causing Orihime to turn bright red, while Tatsuki was more annoyed than anything.

"Shut Up, Before I kick your face," Tatsuki threatened before swinging her feet at Naruto, who dodged, running away quickly chased by Tatsuki.

"Come here, and take the kick like a man,"

The Shinigami of PowerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant