Chapter 14 - Mixing Drinks

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It's a couple of hours later and I'm sitting on the couch in my room, wearing the dress from dinner. Dante isn't here, he dropped me off after our workout in the lounge area. Apparently he had some 'business' to attend to. I don't know what, but it didn't seem like business. I look around the room. Why do I feel this urge to stay? Is this what Stockholm Syndrome is? Probably. I need to escape before it gets worse. I give the camera a glance. How am I supposed to escape when I'm being watched all the time? I look towards the other side of the room. The wardrobe. I get up and walk into it. I still can't get over all the different types of clothes here. They're not just regular pieces of fabric either, I can see all kinds of expensive brands; Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Prada. I walk over to the dresses. So many.

Then an idea pops into my head. I look for cameras in the closet, but there isn't any. I gather all the dresses and start tying them together into one long rope. I get a garment bag and put the rope as neatly as possible inside and carry the bag out onto my bed. They won't suspect a thing. I make sure to get more garment bags with dresses inside to lay them down with the rope bag to make it seem less suspicious. I also get into my original clothes and put the dress I wore this evening into the hamper by the door of the walk-in closet.

"Can I please use the restroom?" I ask the camera. I hear a knock on my door almost immediately afterwards, I must have a guard outside. The man outside opens the door, but I'm prepared. I have a sharp spoon made for mixing drinks up my sleeve, and when I see the man, I stab his neck with the sharp end. I run over to the bed and grab the garment bag before sticking it to the camera and running out the door down the hall. I run for what feels like forever with what seems like no one chasing me. I finally find a window and get my rope out of the bag. I tie the dress at one end to a pipe on the wall and let the other end fall down out of the window. I grab on tightly, breathing heavily as I take the first step over the windowsill. I start lowering myself down before landing with both feet at the wet grass beneath. When I turn around, I gasp. All I can see is ocean. Blue ocean. Is this an island? Am I stuck on a FUCKING ISLAND? Fuck my life.

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