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Aunt May: that little brat will grow into a pathetic little fool like this thing you call your wife. We knew as a family what you needed what's best for you
Man: don' about my wife and my son that way! It's because of you, all of you that I moved my family to another city. Claiming you know what I want, the person you expected me to marry Patricia of all people please you must be out of your mind.
Beatrice: Maverick, we need to go.
May: go? Where are you going?
Maverick: away from you, away from all of you where it ain't toxic for my family May!

There was a boy in the corner sited on the ground crying as he watched he's grandaunt and parents fight.

May: May?! May?! Since when did you become so disrespectful?!
Maverick: since the day you all started to disrespect my decisions; the day you began to think you know what I actually want!
May: I see her filth.......
Maverick: [raises he's hand signalling her to shut up] that is the last time you ever get to insult my wife and I mean that in every literal way. C'mon buddy [calling out to the boy who stands and runs to him] we're taking you away from these people.

Beatrice takes the boy's hand and walks outside towards the car and gets in. While......

May: and where are you going?
Maverick: far away from all of you, even if it means going to the ends of the earth I will.

He walks to he's car and just when he's about to start the engine.....

Beatrice: [looks to their son at the back] we're sorry we can't go on your birthday drive, but I promise immediately we arrive we'll do it. For now take this jar
Boy: what's this?
Beatrice: it's a money jar, a gift. Whenever you get or earn some money, you place it into this jar.
Maverick: hey Marcus buddy, what would you like daddy to get you?
Marcus: a lot of new toys.
Maverick: all done, junior. [Both smile at him]
Marcus: [smiles excitedly] thanks mom, thanks dad.

The journey started, he drove for miles and miles then a truck was moving in a wavy way coming into he's lane so he tried to avoid it and got out of its way, but met head on with another truck which pushed them across a hill. Marcus held on to he's jar so tight while the car rolled over a couple of times till it hit the ground. With the little strength he had left, Maverick pulled out he's son and wife out of the car which then burnt up. Once he put them down he collapsed and died while he's wife was already dead. Some hours later, Marcus woke up and found he's parents dead and wept bitterly in the woods and in he's hand he still had the jar. He got he's small bag and put it inside.

He lay there for many hours hoping for help to come instantly but nothing, so he got up looking all dirty and started walking towards the city lights he could see in a distance. He walked through the night till early in the morning when he arrived and collapsed in the streets of the city. When he opened he's eyes the the first thing he saw was a ceiling in a low light room. He got up dramatically to see where he was.......

Man: [sitting on a chair next to him smoking, shirtless and with different forms of skeleton tattoos all over he's upper body and neck] relax little man you're safe
Marcus: w.... who who are you?
Man: after saving your a** this is what you say? I expected a little more appreciation [blows smoke into he's face]
Marcus: ........ [Sits in fear]

Another man walks in bringing in food for him, puts it on the table and walks out.
Man: you must be hungry, eat up.

Marcus looks at him, takes the food and eats so hurriedly
Man: damn, when last did you eat little man? I'll be back.

He returns with some clothes and tosses them to him.
Man: when you're done there's a shower this way, then you put on some clothes.

Sometime later he was freshened up and went to him finding all the guys there with a few girls. One of them was on he's lap.
Marcus: umm, thank you, Mr Sir.
Man: what kind of white sh** is that? [All guys laugh]
Marcus: sorry I don't know your name.
Man: that's Kingson, leader of the skull crew and king of the streets.
Marcus: thank you Kingson.
Kingson: say it like a man. You're welcome.

Marcus about to turn and leave while some other scary looking man, stops him.
Kingson: not so fast lil man, that sh** don't come for free. A lot goes on in this city you're lucky I found you. It'll cost you......
Marcus: I...... I don't have any money
Kingson: of course lil man, you work for what you owe me.
Marcus: okay. What do I do?
All: [laugh]
Kingson: you're not from around here are you? [Starts to smoke] you'll be my drug middle-man you get drugs from my man Pralito and bring them to me.......
Marcus: no I can't.......
Kingson: it's either that or you die, you choose.
Marcus: [sheds tears] I'll do it.
All: [cheer and laugh]
Kingson: that's my lil man right there. Now listen, [pulls he's head in an intimidating way] I give you stacks.......
Marcus: what's stacks?
Kingson: money you idiot! If you even think of stealing I'll cut off those little fingers. Then you take to Pralito and get back as soon as possible. If you even think of going to the police. I'll make you wish you died out there! You feel me lil man?
Marcus: [sheds tears in fear] yes.
Kingson: [rubs he's head] good.

Immediately, Marcus was given the stacks and sent away with an escort to show him his destination. He tried to run while shouting help, but everyone run away from him avoiding to get involved hence he was caught and beaten up. When they returned to Kingson's house........

Kingson: [slapped him so hard and bent to his level] IF YOU EVER TRY THAT SH** AGAIN LIL MAN,  I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!
Marcus: [cries and nods]...........
Kingson: beginning tomorrow you'll be going on your own. I hope you were paying attention when you got there
Marcus: yes.
Kingson: ......... [He walks out].

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