Brought into the world

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The sky was overcast. The chilling sound of the water accompanied each step. Every motion was drenched. A young man was walking through the streets of a busy metropolis. That neighbourhood was dubbed the "Slums of the New Tomorrow." There were no authorities patrolling this region. It was a peaceful setting. Our word has been broken. The police are patrolling the streets, enforcing the new tight restrictions that govern our lives. You are no longer able to speak out. You can't tell people what you think, and you must act the way they want you to. The government has complete control over our media. Every TV channel broadcasted the same thing every day, every hour. The news is loaded with official propaganda.
We no longer utilise the definition of "alive." We make no reference to this act. We get up, go to work, have our customary lunch break, come home, rest for a little, and then go to bed. We can't hope for much in terms of spare time. Each week, there are five activities that you may perform in your spare time. This week was much like every other week. The man was walking to the library. If you had the required work hours for one week, you could replace the job with leisure time.
He was a young man. He was dressed elegantly in a black shirt, white slacks, and a leather shoe. The man entered the library and sat down. Instead of books, he picked up a newspaper and began reading.
"We are secure now!" said our leaders. There was only one article in the newspaper. There was nothing else in it. Since everything was under government control, there was no need for advertisements. While the man was still reading, a woman sat down next to him and gave him a disdainful look. - "Do you believe it all? I no longer read the news." - She then selected a book off the shelf and started reading. The man gave a mischievous smirk as he looked at the woman's book from the corner of his eyes.
 - "The freedom fighter? Do you believe it all? Do you believe in a better tomorrow?"
The woman slammed the book down on the table, a furious expression on her face.
- "Obviously, I do... I mean, I still have some optimism that things will get better. - The man began to laugh. He didn't stop until he noticed that the woman was not pleased.
- "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I believe hope perished along with freedom. Because it's the only thing I can do, I read the news. I've seen them on television and on the city's massive billboards. Please explain to me, ma'am, what more we could do."

The man continued to read the newspaper. The woman's expression has shifted. She felt depressed and disappointed. The woman took the book off the table and opened it gently. She began to read. The plot revolved around a man who lived in a society similar to theirs. He took to the battlefield and fought the government, and they eventually succeeded. The woman closed her eyes. She was thinking about how lovely this book is and how wonderful it could be if it were true. The woman took the book and put it to its right place. She was ready to go when she came to a halt.
 - "I believe in a better tomorrow... even if you find it amusing, I worry about our future." 
The man remained silent. He was merely glancing at the newspaper now that he had done reading it. The woman walked away. What if tomorrow is different? What if that book is true? What if this is our future? The man grabbed the book from the shelf and dashed after the woman. The man ran past the woman as he dropped the book inside her purse. "Watch out, you fool!" shouted the woman as she continued going to the next railway station.

The woman boarded a train and began searching for her phone in her purse when something struck her hand in the purse. It was the book she had been reading. She was astounded. When she opened the book, there was a small letter inside. "The sun may be veiled by clouds right now, but trust me when I say the rain will stop and the sun will shine on our houses." Two enforcers approached her as she was clutching the note. - "Hello, ma'am! We've come to examine your ticket and go through your possessions." - The woman was taken aback."What exactly do you mean?" - She then spotted the border sign outside the window.
She gave the two enforcers everything she had on her person, including the note. She was frightened of being arrested because of the note. When the two enforcers inquired about the letter, she simply stated, "It's a message from one of my friends regarding the weather." The two enforcers shrugged and returned the message to her, but they put the book away.

 - "We're not sure where you obtained this book, Ma'am, but we're afraid we have to confiscate it." - As the two enforcers moved away from her, she nodded. She had a thought. She had an idea for bringing a new tomorrow to the world. She went home and immediately began writing.

Meanwhile, the man was heading home. He witnessed two enforcers beating an elderly man. He stopped. Because of the pain, the elderly guy yelled. As he watched the old man get beaten up, the man sat down on a bench and began smoking. The two enforcers finished with the old man and turned to face our smoking companion.
 "I saw nothing, as usual," the man calmly stated. The two enforcers simply walked away from the situation. The old man was covered in blood. His arm was broken, and his eyes were lifeless. He was on the verge of death. The man calmly extinguished the cigarette and threw the cigarette stub on the old man to make sure he is dead.
The old guy had no reaction to this act. He was simply lying down on the ground. The man approached him and closed his eyes. "I bring to you the new tomorrow." He muttered this and began walking home. When he arrived, he took out some papers and pencils and began writing. The woman and the man shared the same thought. Censorship only affects poems and novels that criticise the government. They were each writing something. Their eyes became filled with fire and hope. As they signed their artwork. Catherine was the woman's name, and Markus was the man's. These two people will bring us the new tomorrow. 

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