A cold world

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Markus got up early that day. He showered and cooked himself a quick breakfast. He turned on the television to catch up on the morning news, but there was nothing new. The news was mostly about how excellent our system is. Markus switched off the television. He completed his meal, got up from his chair, and got ready for the execution. He dressed elegantly in full black to honour the soon-to-die folks.

He left Catherine a letter. After what happened, he didn't see her for a while. He took a pack of cigaretts and his flask of whyskey. He walked down the stairs to catch the bus to the sector's main square. He was merely glancing out the window on the bus. The weather was cold and cloudy. He was wondering what and how the execution would take place. Are there truly evil individuals being executed there, or are governments simply slaughtering the innocent? He needed to get his mind off his thoughts, so he took a hefty chug from his flask. 

The bus arrived in the square. Markus stepped down to see a massive audience in front of a stage. Individuals were handcuffed with guards behind them. The guards were dressed in a black tactical outfit and equipment. They were wearing gas masks. They were known as the REAPER's. If they were there, it meant that there was a planned premeditated genocide or that they were protecting a high-ranking official. They are the fallen world's most elite units. The regional administrator took the main stage. The purging ceremony has begun.

-"Hello and welcome to the citizens of Sector 2 . Today we are here to separate the bad from the good! We should get going!" - Before the guards arrived, there was some clapping. The "criminals" were given the opportunity to utter their final remarks. There was a man there. Markus was completely focused on his words. "FOR THE NEW TOMORROW!" shouted the individual as he was shot. Markus' jaw dropped open. Perhaps the man was aware of the New Tomorrow. The bodies were left on stage, as the REAPERs and the Administrator fled in a chopper. Markus dashed to the executed and discovered a message with himself. "My demise will herald the beginning of a new tomorrow." Markus understood that more people wanted to bring the New Tomorrow. Markus ran home instead of taking the bus. Catherine had placed a message on his door.
"Dear Markus,
I distributed 200 copies of your book and wrote a lot myself. Sector 2 residents have finally begun to learn about the new tomorrow. Our strategy is working as expected. My necessary workpoints have been increased, thus I'll be working the entire week.

With love: Catherine."

Markus was relieved. He didn't have to go to work this week because of his overtime. He was composed. Markus came to realise. That man had read his writing. He read what Markus had written in his book. Markus had finally gained some influence in Sector2. That made him very delighted. He felt he needed to write more so that more people could read his works. He began to write. "We are all know that in a cold word, people freeze. That is why I am asking that you all start a fire. Light your torches, set fire to houses, whatever it takes to ignite a fire. Even though it hurts, light the fire so we can see in the dark and feel warm in the cold."
Markus threw the pen again, this time so violently that it broke. He leaned back and closed his eyes once again. He only experiences this euphoria after completing a masterpiece. Markus grinned as he returned to his book. He was aware that this book may be the spark that ignites the fire. He was pleased with all of his accomplishments. He sensed the strength he possessed in his hands. He wanted to chuckle. It was a really strong emotional feeling. Over the years, he had just been drinking and going to libraries to read, and now he can finally be a motivator, entertainer, and the government's worst enemy. He left his residence and went to the park. He placed the copies in a basket. A sign was attached to the basket. "Come to where we may safely ignite the fire." He hurried away after smiling at the basket.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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