From prey to hunter

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"A predator does not have to be physically powerful. The predator does not required to have a large, pointed theet and frightening eyes. It is sufficient when the predator is intelligent enough to make his victim murder himself. The predator draws the interest of the other preys to his prey enemy. The predator doesn't have to do anything except sit back and watch while his companions eliminate their own species. The predators are cold-blooded, but not more intelligent than the preys. Today's preys have learnt to hunt, making them the new predators."
Catherine set the book down on the table. Markus smirked as he sipped on his whyskey.
 - "Wow, that's incredible..." - The woman was taken aback. 
-"Do you believe we're ready to publish?"- Markus asked. Catherine simply nodded as she prepared to begin disseminating the book. Markus stood at his spot, surprising Catherine.
- "Catherine, you are aware that I have other obligations. First and foremost, I must ensure that we have supporters. I'll write more so that our entire audience understands our message." Markus said.

Catherine was scared. - "I don't want to leave you. Finally, I've met someone who gets me. Finally, I've found a companion..." - Catherine flushed as she approached Markus.- "How wonderful, but you know I don't need anything from you. We're not here to do this love nonsense; we're here to bring about a new tomorrow. Spread the word about the book."
Catherine was taken aback. She began to develop feelings for Markus. She felt secure in his presence. She was visibly disappointed as she walked away. Markus, on the other hand, was writing at a table. He lit a cigarette and began smoking. Markus paused for a moment. He got up from the table, leaving everything but the cigarett behind. He approached a shelf and took out a little wooden box. He opened it and looked inside to see what was within.

 As he pulled the hangun from his chest, a cold ran through his body. He looked at it for three minutes before slipping the pistol beneath his belt. Markus walked from out his apartment. He was wandering calmly through the streets when he came to an abandoned section of the slums.
A patrol unit was smoking nearby. Markus approached and introduced himself, pulling out a pistol and pointing at the patrol unit head. "A new tomorrow will begin when your death begins." Markus muttered before pulling the gun. The body has collapsed on the ground. The wall behind the patrol unit was covered in blood. Markus remained expressionless. He pretended as though nothing had happened.
Markus took a look at the weapon and devised a plan. He was terrified of himself. He was surprised at how much of an animal he could be.

He hurried back to his flat. He sat down in front of a table and began to write. "When a hunter is on the hunt, instincts often take precedence over knowledge. Because of this addition, the Hunter may fail. It is preferable to be aware of what you are doing at all times." Markus set the pencil down next to the book. He was overflowing with ideas and motivation. He took the gun from his belt and placed it on the table. As he gazed at the weapon, he began writing more and more.

He tore the paper with his pen sometimes while writing. He discovered his true motivation. He knew it wasn't right since they were simply another victim of the environment we live in. He had a family to feed, so he joined the Civil Enforcement. Markus was free of regrets. He tossed the pen and leaned back in his wood chair as he finished the writing he had begun. He'd calmed down by this point. He took up the notebook and walked to the window. He stood at ease, holding the book in his hand and staring out. He noticed a word which had fallen. People were busy moving someplace on the streets, while the Directive Enforcement Units patrolled among them. Employees of the Worker Union were cleaning the street in their yellow uniforms. Billboards broadcasted dry propaganda about our leaders and "successful" society. Markus's spark was not ignited by killing. Killing just reminded him of the cold reality he is against. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong because the Directive Enforcement Unit kills hundreds of residents each week during the weekly purge. The purge is simple. If you do not have enough work hours or you have a bad criminal record, you will be publicly executed. Markus was on the verge of being executed three times, but he always managed to rescue himself by working extra in the factory.
If you reach the age of 21, you will be ordered to participate in the weekly purge. If you are found unsuitable, regardless of whether you are unable to work or disabled, you will be purged. 342 persons were purged last week. It's not a large number of members, but we're only talking about Sector 2. There are 7 sectors in 1 district and 12 districts in total.

Even though many people attend the public executions, the purge is never mentioned in the media. Markus knows a person in the slums who keeps track of the purge's victims. He always informs Markus of the data. He originally intended to create a website about it, but all computers were confiscated and are now only available at net cafés where you can only browse government propaganda sites. Because the entire world is under this control, the internet is no longer accessible. This week's purge is tomorrow, and Markus intends to attend. 

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