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After eating with everyone. You start to head upstairs until Nayeon stops you

Nayeon: Hey

Nayeon says while holding your shoulder
You turn around

Y/n: Yea

Nayeon: Follow me I got you something

You question if not to follow her but you decided to go

Y/n: ok

You both go upstairs into her room as her nice perfume refreshing sent lingers in her room as you walk-in sitting on her Queen size bed. You look over to a big wall mirror near her desk.

You then stop as you look over to Nayeon as she bins down but you quickly turn your head.

You turn back as Nayeon calls Your name.

Nayeon: ok...look..Y/n

Y/n:Mmm Yea.....

Nayeon. Since I was very rude early I wanted to get you something for the big event tomorrow.

Y/n: what is it

Nayeon: Here you go....you like it

You look at what nayeon has in her hand a Fancy suit with shoes
The suit color as a white creamy texture to it as for the shoes also.

You look back up to Nayeon and look back to the gift she has for you

Nayeon:...So.....You like it

Y/n: Yes I do but I can't except this. Your family already gave me enough. A house and the food

Nayeon: So you don't want this

Y/n: no I don't. But thank Yo-

Nayeon said pushes the clothes and shoes on my lap

Y/n: but i-

Nayeon: This cost too much money to not be worn you will be wearing it to the event tomorrow

You didn't say anything after as Nayeon left the room leaving you dumbfounded.


Momo: Omg I can't wait. What do y'all think I should wear. This one or this one

Momo pointed to the too expensive dresses on her bed.

Jeongyoung: Where The black dress

Tzuyu: No wear the Dark red one

Momo: Come on guys. I can only Wear one

Dahyun: Yea Wear the Black one it suits you best

Momo: Ok I will wear the black one.


Jeongyoung: hey what y'all think y/n going to wear

Tzuyu: Don't know.

Duhyun: I think Nayeon gave her something

Jeongyoung: mmmh

.... ...................................................
3 minutes later......

You was ramming through your room trying to find your four cigarettes that you stash. But you couldn't find them. You even look in your boot. But still couldn't find them

You ran your hands through your hair as you sigh. And then look over to see Mina smirking

Mina: are you looking for these

Mina pulled out 4 cigarettes out her pocket and waved it in the air

Y/n: how you got that.

Mina: it was sticking out of the mattress.

Y/n: can you plz give me that back plz

Mina: No. You couldn't be smoking this. You looked like a crackhead looking for these

Y/n: plz give it back I will do anything

Mina: Anything you say

Y/n: yea. Just give it back

Mina smirk as she shut the door then taking off her shirt.

Y/n: What the hell you doing.
You said surprised. As you gulp while walking back

Mina: you said anything

Mina then walk near you shirt fully off leaving her bra on

You look at her as Mina grab your neck putting her face close to yours then......................

You Wake up sweating all over your face as you hit the ground floor.

Y/n: Agh

You get up as you holding your head

Duhyun: Why so much noise. I can't get my sleep because your mumbling in your sleep and now falling on the floor. Geez

Duhyun said then going back to sleep.

You get back up and head to the bathroom. You walk in and immediately wash your face with cold water.

Wow that was crazy dream. What the hell. Mina was looking fine tho. You said blushing a bit as you turn around.

And then your body almost jump out your chest as you see Mina naked in the bathtub. Think god her body was covered with all the subs around her.

Mina look at you as You turned around



You ran out the bathroom while saying sorry.

Jihyo ran near you as she heard the loud scream.

Jihyo: What's going on

Y/n: Uh Umm N-

Jihyo: pushed you over and open the bathroom door To see Mina With clothes on Drying her hair

Jihyo: What's wrong

Mina: Oh nothing I just burn myself by mistake.

Jihyo: Omg be careful next time

Mina: Yes I will

Jihyo: ok bye now.

Jihyo shuts the door as she looks at you and says sorry for pushing you

Jihyo: Sorry y/n

Y/n: it's fine

Jihyo taps you on the shoulder as she leaves and go back into her room

What a crazy morning you thought as you head back in your room

Why did Mina lied to Jihyo.

Duhyun: What happened

Y/n: on nothing

Duhyun: well you better get ready today is the day.

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