Miss You

246 13 5

Chapter twenty-one

Someone's Pov

"Yes, do as we planned" the other said giving the command, looks like we having some trouble, I guess?

Win's Pov

"I'll wait for you at the café as usual, okay?" I said and he pout, damn this jerk really knows how to be flirty all the time.

"You're my secretary, why won't you just join me? Hurm? Hurm?" his sparkly eyes try hard to make me agree with him.

"Yes, I am, but don't you think I have other works to settle too?" I said cupping his face, look around to see if someone is here, yeah, no one, so I steal a kiss.

"What more works you need to do besides being next to me?" he said as he closes our gap, his hands at my waist, his eyes staring at me daringly, his heart beating for me. I love this man so much!

"You don't want your company to go bankrupt because I didn't do my work right?" Well yeah, even tho I love this man doesn't mean I can neglect my work, I still need money to provide myself.

"Urghh, okay! Okay! Just make sure you don't go anywhere when I'm about to finish!" the ugly duckling warns, nodding my head as the answer and push him off from my body, he pout a little bit before entering the room and take the last chance to glance at me,

The moment I've confirm that big baby already entered the room, I walk my ass to the café that I just mention. The café's not too far but not too close either, it's a good place, the food, the beverage, the desert even the service is tip-top...

But it's a shame that it doesn't well known, not that I don't like it but being a secretary to a business man, shop like that always doesn't stand long... it either go bankrupt or close it because they have no customer...

About 15 minutes walking, I arrived at the destination, entering the café getting the usual, their cheesecake is the bestseller and I can see why, the creamer, the texture and even the taste... not too cheesy, not too sweet and importantly both warmer and cold version are delicious.

Eating my cake peacefully while doing my work it's heavenly...

Not long after my order came, a waiter come and serve a strawberry cake that's not my order, I ask if they're wrong but seemly someone ordered it for me,

Is it that jerk? That man needs to give a handful of advice for not being focused on a meeting, I said to myself as I accept it,

A note was attached to it,

'Miss You'

Damn this jerk, how dare he!

I cursed as I blushing hard, it's already a month yet he still acts like it was yesterday I accepted him, damn that lover boy, my lover boy...


"It's strawberry cake!? Thanks P'! Love you!!"


Urgh, again with that blur memory... huh? Strawberry cake? I looked at the already half cake I ate, there's no way, right? Right?!

I look around and I see some mysterious guy in all black clothing like he just went to a fucking funeral looking at me intensely,

Crap our eyes meet... damn it Win, what the fuck he wants? And who the fuck send him? P'Mew? Damn!

Bright! No, there's no way they'll do anything to him! My mind went wild thinking some impossible things they might do to him...

I finished my dish as soon as I could, wanting to go back to him, rushing out I was stopped by two buff guys,

"Excuse me, let me go through?" they didn't budge even a little bit, their face really scary, they're not taller than me but bigger than me, how could I not have scared?

"Sir, we need you to follow us quietly or this will be difficult" huh, what? Do kidnappers these days ask for permissions to kidnap someone?

"I'm sorry I don't know you guys so just let me go through, I having someone waiting for me" a little lie wouldn't hurt tho...

I struggle to get away so I warn them,

"If you guys won't move. I'll call the cops!" hearing it they moved a little bit so that I can scoop away from them...

I walked as fast as I could to make sure they didn't follow me, after ensuring they're not after me, I sigh relieves, damn that was scary...

I took a glance to my phone and it's only 40 minutes since Bright get in the meeting room, but this is urgent...

I dialed him... one rings, two rings and go on he didn't answer, I called him few times after that but he still didn't answer me,

Urghh, let just walk back... I think I los--


Something hit my head, it's hurt...

And I drop,


Sorry for the late update 😅

It's just I don't have the mood to continue it and the story kinda cringe after I re-read it 😣

But seeing a looooooottttt of people start to bookmark it, I decide to keep going? 👀

So, enjoyed it tho! well, maybe don't forget to comment? 👉🏻👈🏻

reading you guys comments are the best 🙈

okay dadaaaa 👋🏻

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