I like Robin

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First story for this book🤭
We're gonna start off strong with some angst💪💪💪


I knew Robin had the same feelings I had for him. I liked him I even told him once but he rejected me but even after the rejection he got even MORE closer to me. Me and him were close before but after he got super clingy the same way I was to him. He likes me he shows a millions signs. I don't know why he just doesn't want to date since he always touchy and flirty with me.

To be honest with myself and everyone else I was tired. I was tired of us. Me and him being all cute together then he backs off and it happens again and again. It's a cycle a long and boring cycle I'm tired of. I just want him so badly he doesn't even understand... he probably does understand because he loves me the way I love him. I do love him I really do I'm just tired of him always playing with my feeling. Maybe he isn't but it feels like it.

I'm tired of him and his games so I'm choosing to get back at him. I'm gonna flirt with another guy and spend my time with another guy. Obviously the other guy knows that I'm only gonna flirt with him for Robin's jealousy and he's fine with it.

I can not explain how nervous I am not nervous for making Robin jealous I'm nervous for something else. I made a dumb deal with myself I'm making sure I follow the deal. The dumb deal is if this doesn't make Robin jealous or make him make his move.. I give up on him. I will no longer chase after him. I will no longer be begging for his attention I will no longer talk to him or be his "friend" if he doesn't show any sign of his true love for me.

I know this makes me sound crazy but I just can't do this anymore. So this is what I'm gonna do this is risky and could lose me a whole friendship or whatever we had. But either way it's my lose or his.


I had got the boy ready and I'm surprised he's willing to do it with no money. He's really sweet for that. The boy in general is perfect. His name is Lincoln not a lot of people know him he's kinda quiet and shy but when you get to know him he can be loud and entertaining. Not only is his personality perfect his face is perfect too even his body like his height he was taller then me also he was pretty strong but I think he only placed third behind Vance and Robin. But that's doesn't matter. The only thing that matter was my plan.

My plan was ready all I had to do was get the plan starting.

I walked out my house in the morning walking towards where me and Robin would walk together. It was about a 2 minute walk to where me and him would actually meet and while walking my heart was beating so fast. My palms were getting so sweaty it was scary.

I got to the spot where I would meet Robin at I continued walking and I could see Robins black bandanna out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey Finney!" Lincoln said as he ran up to me. Perfect Lincoln planned it perfect Robin was just gonna walk up to me then Lincoln came up to me. I wanted to see Robin's reaction but I had already walked to far past him. Me and Lincoln had left Robin behind. What's he thinking right now. Is he jealous? Mad? I really hope he is.

"Hey Lincoln." I said as me and him bumped shoulders on accident. He bumped my shoulder again I smirked at him before bumping his. He bumped me again but this time more aggressive I did it back but with more power. We both laughed then he bumped me with much less power then the one I did before. We laughed for a bit more.

"Hey I like your shirt." He said as he looked at my almost all plain basic shirt. I smiled at him Robin never gave me compliments like that.

"It's just a plain shirt dummy.." I said with the biggest smile ever.

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