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This is angst.


I walked into school as everyone was talking about me. Everyone even the teachers. No one dared to even look at me. I haven't gotten into a fight in a long time.

Oh right! It must be because I escaped the grabber but wouldn't that mean I would be the Center of attention? So Why? Why isn't anyone looking at me?

I wanna know why this is happening to me why isn't anyone paying attention to me? Is it because I lost their respect by getting kidnapped? Is that it. That's fucking stupid.

I walked around the halls looking for anyone that looked at me and only a couple kids did and only a couple kids moved so I can move past them. I want to see Finney right now. I was speed walking past everyone. Until I walked past my locker I glanced over at it. I walked past my locker to see a punch of writing on it all of it wrote in black except one word.


Wow I really have lost everyone's respect. That doesn't matter though all I need to Finney anyway. I continued looking for Finney. Then the bell rang I knew which classroom Finney had for home room so I quickly began to walk over to his class.

I got to the door then the door shut in my face and I heard a click meaning it got locked. I guess this isn't my class but he could've been more respectful.

Whatever I started walking towards my class. I got there and the door was closed and locked. I sighed before knocking. Nothing. No one came to open the door for me. I knocked again this time louder and longer. Still no one but I could hear my teacher speaking inside. Wow. Bitch.


I was gonna eat my lunch but I'm not hungry not even a little bit but I stayed in the cafeteria instead of going to my other classes because I just didn't care after I tried a couple more time and no one answered the door for me. Once the bell for lunch rang I got up to look for Finney again.

I finally found him getting something out his locker.
"Hey Finney!" I said loudly before jogging up to him.

"Hey.." he cut himself off as he looked over to me his smile disappeared. He quickly closed his locker before speed walking past me to the cafeteria.

I guess I lost his respect too.


I can handle loosing people's respect but just not Finney's. I chased after him after school hoping to catch up to him I only caught up when he was gonna close his front door.

"Finney!" I yelled as I ran to his front steps he looked at me before running into his house leaving the door open. I was confused but walked in closing the door behind me.

I went over to his room and saw him curled up in his blanket. Why?


I ended up staying at his house I just stayed in his room with him as he stayed curled up. He stayed like that for hours until he started crying. I felt so bad but I think he was mad at me so I just stayed sitting.


I watched him sleep not getting tired myself. It was morning time and the sun was starting to come up.

His dad walked into the room gently shaking him awake. "Hey Finney.. we have to go.." his dad whispered.

Finney got out of bed as his dad left. He got a black suit out of his closet and quietly and slowly put it on. I looked away as he did.

I heard crying and I looked over he was buttoning up his shirt as he cried. Why?

I said his name he looked at me before looking away he finished buttoning his last button and then walked past me.

He left me behind with the door wide open.

Finney's dad and Finn also his sister walked out of the house. In all black clothing.

They walked somewhere and I followed closely behind them.

They got to a grave yard that probably why he was ignoring because he wasn't feeling himself. Not because I lost his respect.

But I decided to stay and everyone gathered next to a hole in the ground. There was a brown stand in the grass. And then smell rain drops starting falling.

I saw my uncle here for some reason?


My uncle walked into the stand as rain began to pour his tears and the rain dripping down his face.

"Robin was a really great person in his heart and soul and it's a tragedy that we as close friends and family lost him. May he Rest In Peace."

Oh... I guess I didn't really escape the grabbers basement.


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