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Yn pov:

"Yn" Cassie said "ya mom" I asked "dose this dress look god?" Cassie asked me "um ya" I said "oh thank god! I love it so good!" Cassie said I roll my eyes

Girlfriend❤️. Hey Kaylee I'm on my way!

You. Kaylee?

Girlfriend❤️. Sorry babe texted the wrong person, Jess is one of my friends. I gtg! Love you!

You. Wait-

You. Did you just say-

You. Love you too!

You. DANI!

Girlfriend❤️. Yes?

You. I love you too!

Girlfriend❤️. ❤️


Danielle pov:

I'm on a interview with Kaylee and Jenny and I, "so as hope try's to go back and forth between limbo and the real world and her and Josie have been getting closer and as we saw in the last episode Hope and Josie kissed! What is in it for Landon and Josie?" He Asked "we'll Landon has always been there for hope and hope has always been there for Landon. So what ever happens I believe Landon will still be there for hope and so will hope" I said "I'm super exited because hosie has finally happened" Kaylee said I laughed "you too are really close" he said "ya super where married" Kaylee said I laughed "speaking of which, Danielle we know you have been dating someone and we all want to know who you are dating" he asked I laughed and smiled a little "well I should probably be telling you all because it's about time, and pulse SHE has been asking me like crazy to tell you all!" I said everyone screamed and clapped I laughed "my ex Bf jack has a little sister named yn, she has these problems with everything like math, spelling and reading and others, when I met her i found out she was a fan and she need help with something so I helped her the next day me and jack broke up and then like 2 weeks later me and we started dating" I said everyone claps "will you be posting her on your Instagram?" He asked "I might yes" I said everyone claps

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