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The chilling wind blew my hair, the sweet singing of nothing ringing throughout my ears.

The winter night was empty as i stood under the street light on the old cobblestone road, my cheeks rosy and my nose stuffy. I hugged myself in the worn brown jacket i had over my body which was the only thing keeping me from dying that very second. 

But i dared not to cry, not to let my emotions for once in my life spill out only knowing the tears would only freeze. It was so cold even the salty pools of water that could theoretically leak out of my eye sockets would freeze in seconds.

And then behind me I felt his arms slowly snake around my waist like chains, chains I shall never be set free from. It's always those damn chains.

I always hated the feeling of his arms around me, itching to just touch and clain every inch of my body like he already has not put me through that. 

Hasn't made me "his" over and over again, having to hold back to do it another time. His arms around me always made me feel like the walls around me were closing, like i couldnt breath, like i was in a tight little space i couldn't get out of.

I never liked small little spaces.

But the cold calmed me, in fact I was so numb because of it that I was one step, one reach left until death finally opened its arms to me.

Its been calling me for a while, telling me that the grim reaper was ready to take me, hand in hand. But he stopped us. He had to be so selfish to make me yearn for death. How evil.

He was so mad at me for running that he didn't even realize I could finally see the light, finally see everyone he took from me.

PThe chilling wind blew my hair, the sweet singing of nothing ringing throughout my ears.

The winter night was empty as i stood under the street light on the old cobblestone road, my cheeks rosy and my nose stuffy. I hugged myself in the worn brown jacket i had over my body which was the only thing keeping me from dying that very second. 

But i dared not to cry, not to let my emotions for once in my life spill out only knowing the tears would only freeze. It was so cold even the salty pools of water that could theoretically leak out of my eye sockets would freeze in seconds.

And then behind me I felt his arms slowly snake around my waist like chains, chains I shall never be set free from. It's always those damn chains.

I always hated the feeling of his arms around me, itching to just touch and clain every inch of my body like he already has not put me through that. 

Hasn't made me "his" over and over again, having to hold back to do it another time. His arms around me always made me feel like the walls around me were closing, like i couldnt breath, like i was in a tight little space i couldn't get out of.

I never liked small little spaces.

But the cold calmed me, in fact I was so numb because of it that I was one step, one reach left until death finally opened its arms to me.

It's been calling me for a while, telling me that the grim reaper was ready to take me, hand in hand. But he stopped us. He had to be so selfish to make me yearn for death. How evil.

He was so mad at me for running that he didn't even realize I could finally see the light, finally see everyone he took from me.

Partners, parents, friends, waving to me, soothing me in this strange moment of outer worldly-ness. 

And I saw her again, 

I remembered how much I loved her. All the kisses, the hugs, the meaningless glances that made me flustered, how she knew when too much was too much. 

I loved her... No, I love her.. 

So much. 

And as he is screaming for my name, the psychopath, monster, that made my life worse than hell was yelling out for me, i slowly took her soft fragile hand. 

It was warm, it made the cold go away. And as the cold slowly faded, and his cries dissipated, I was left with her. 

I'm finally back to you, my love. 

Okay, backtracking.

Hello dear reader, welcome to another tale of the human heart. How one simple word can make you take your own life, powerful may i say.

Another tale of “love” how he put it. Of a one sided affection.

But that's not important now,

what's important now is you know what you're getting yourself into.

While reading this, you may never go looking for anyone. Never talk to a strange looking person you bumped into on the street. You may never. Ever. Cry out to the gods about a fix to a pain.

Now that I've said this, I'll let you continue. Let you read on.

So, welcome to Everybody sees everyone but you.

Enjoy your stay :)

Everybody sees everyone but you. (Rebecca x reader)Where stories live. Discover now