Chapter 1, eyes

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1st pov, {Name}.

Walking the packed streets of the town was normal for me, walking to who knows where? Somewhere new?

People bumping into me, people shoving me, people stepping on my poor feet, but never getting an apology.

Why you may ask? Well you can't really apologize to someone you cannot see.

Yes i am here, and i can see myself, but no one can see me.

I figured that out when i was about four, and my mother screamed for me in our house throwing everything everywhere  just to find me, as i cried and screamed for her tugging her pant leg trying to tell her i was there.

A tad bit traumatic for a child, i will say myself.

I'm not sure how i've even survived this long, maybe grabbing things from shops to feed yourself is normal instinct for a child. I

t gets lonely, really lonely.

Once i tried to play laser tag with a group of kids, they were all really confused why they kept randomly getting out and this random bot named “The cheeze master B)” Won.

I used to try to go to school out of boredom. I lasted up until senior year of highschool. I didnt wanna walk all the way to a good college so i just  ended it there. But turns out you don't really need homework to do well in school because I remember almost everything and I never did the homework.


Ive officially had 15 birthdays alone now, and if your stupid it means im 19. It makes me sad that no one knows about them. But I always take a cake from my favorite bakery, light a candle and sing happy birthday, alone, to myself.

God, I hate my life.

And as i make my way to the abandoned apartment building on the outside of town, i think about what i've done to deserve this curse.

Why does death hate me so much to instead just kill me, make it so I have to be lonely for the rest of my life. What four year old me did that was oh so horrid.

I miss when the world was colorful, when i could hear my mother sing melodies ever so sweet to me, when my father would toss me in the air to make me feel like i was flying just to safely catch me in the end.

Now it's just dull, there is no reason for me to describe it to you. It's just simply black and white. Print on paper.

I hugged the notebook in my arms a little tighter as i closed my eyes, wishing i was just out of this horrid life. The only escape i could ever think of was writing, and i do that so much it's become a problem.

Journals of journals of journals filled up with words of wishes, stories of prayers, of things I wish I could do in my sad life.

I never bothered getting a phone, no one could see my selfies, how could i pay for it, and when i finally make a friend from chatting and they wanna know if im a catfish or not, i can't prove it to them.

Its stupid.

I havnt found out what i like to order at places because i take what i can get, so thats another fucked up thing.

And therapy? I need it but i can never get it.


i hate myself.

  And in my moment of misery, i felt another bump but harsher than all the others, making me knock down. I scrapped my knee on the pavement making me hiss, ready to fucking punch this stranger in the face for making me drop all my stuff on the ground.

I quickly started to pick up all my belongings, which was quite a lot when i felt someone in front of me, making me look up to see a girl. I was stunned for a moment, truly taking her in.

She had long, blond hair that seemed just as soft as silk. Brown eyes that looked like it belonged in the most rich chocolate fondue fountain. Her voice was soft, like a warm handmade blanket on a cold winter's night. She was gentle, and so goddamn beautiful, her soul felt like a cup of chamomile tea with a mix of lavender steeped to just the perfect amount.

Not too soft, not too strong.

My cheeks heated up as she looked up into my eyes, stopping for a moment as we just looked at eachother. The cold wind blew past us, blowing crumpled up early fall leaves by. She snapped out of her trance, smiling and gently laughing to herself, picking up the rest of my stuff as I was still there stunned.

“I'm sorry for knocking you down there, here's all your stuff back.” We both stood up as she handed me my stuff, cheeks heating up a tad bit and trying not to make eye contact while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

“Wait, you can see me?”

I asked her as she looked at me funny, giggling again with that angelic laugh. “Yeah of course I can, dummy. What are you, invisible?” She joked while I just stood there in shock, looking down to my hands.

She set her hand onto mine, making me look back up at her to see her concerned face. “Are you alright? You seem like you just saw a ghost.” She asked me as i tried to speak, the years of no social communication finally catching up to me.

I wanted to cry, and sing, and dance, and for her to keep touching my hand, but my brain couldn't focus. Someone saw me. And a beautiful girl at that.

“I-i have to go.” I stuttered, starting to run away as Rebecca watches me. “W-wait! Can i atleast get your name?” She asked me as i stopped, turning around to look at the girl who was now begging me to let her atleast remember me.

“Its, {Name}!” I answered her and she stood up straight, blushing and screaming back at me.

“That's a beautiful name!” She yelled as i also blushed, gulping back the saliva in my mouth.

“Thank you- ill uhm- bye!”

I awkwardly responded running away into the abandoned apartment building and into my bedroom where I lived, clutching my heart and painting as it rapidly beeted in my chest. “Someone saw me… How?”

Everybody sees everyone but you. (Rebecca x reader)Where stories live. Discover now