New In Town

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'At the same time as he laid down the rules of flight, he fitted the newly created wings on the boy's shoulders.'

Ovid, VIII.183-235

Was this possibly the dumbest thing Wilbur could have done? Yes. Doesn't mean he wasn't going to do it.

There he stood, a new streak of white dyed into the brown mop of hair on his head. Wilbur grinned like an idiot at the mirror. If anyone asked, he was doing a silent protest against arresting vigilantes.

Wilbur threw the boxes of dye away and pulled on his obnoxiously yellow sweater then stared at himself in the mirror. A nifty little side effect he had with his ability was being able to cry what he called 'Blue' from his eyes. He had learned to stop that from happening when he was young, even Phil didn't know he could do it, so it was a good cover to keep from people recognizing him.

It took a bit of effort to get it to come out at first, it had been so long that he had grown used to suppressing the Blue. Once it was out though, it was a waterfall.

Blue filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks, perfect. Time to go be a rebel.

Wilbur phased through the floor and floated down to the street, finally reaching the subway and heading to the vigilante hotspot, Snowchester.

He did not think this through.

Wilbur had no idea where he was, but he just punched a mugger and was getting weird looks from the civilian. "You're not one of the usual guys." the woman blinked as she looked him up and down. Wilbur looked at the civilian, probably more confused than her. "I... I'm new in town?" He tried, pitching his voice up a bit and speaking softly since he forgot about getting a voice changer.  He used a voice changer as Jubilee Line but still, it felt wrong to let people hear his voice while working.

The woman apparently didn't care enough to dive any deeper than that. "Alright, new guy. What do you want me to call you?" She asked. "Oh! I'm Ju- uh, call me... Ghostbur... No, Friend. Yeah, Friend." Wilbur pulled a name out of his ass and he could already tell this would come back to bite him later but it would have to do for now.

The woman nodded, picked up her purse, and walked away.

Wilbur- Friend was now alone in an alleyway with a knocked out attempted mugger and no idea what to do with him. Normally, as a hero, the police would be there already and take the guy away while he handles the press or goes home. Should he call the cops? Should he take the guy to the station? Where even was the station? He seriously should've prepared better.

"You look a bit lost." A voice from the rooftop pulled Friend from his thoughts. The alleyway lit up as Icarus and Nihachu landed and stood casually across from Friend.

Friend paled. "I did not expect to meet you guys already." He muttered, looking between the two vigilantes.

Icarus was a bit shorter than him, blond hair that looked like it hadn't ever been brushed, two different masks with the red one covering his eyes and the black one covering his mouth, his usual black and red getup, and his iconic flame wings.

Nihachu was significantly shorter, shoulder length bleached blond hair, a pink fish-like mask covering the upper half of her face, a pink shirt, and black raincoat looking thing. Despite her smaller stature and friendly smile, she definitely seemed the more experienced of the two.

"Oh! Uh... I'm new around here. Just got here actually. I was just looking around and well someone was getting mugged. I couldn't just watch." Friend mumbled most of it, trying to disguise his voice as best as he could. Icarus was staring at him, he couldn't see his eyes but he could feel it.

Icarus -- Vigilante!Tommy (SBI)Where stories live. Discover now