They Killed Kenny! You basterds!

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     "Come on Cartman throw the ball!" Kyle called out, having his arms up in the air. "Shut up Jew!" Cartman bickered with Kyle, throwing the ball at him. Kyle almost caught it till Kenny jumped in and caught it. "Mrmph mmmph!!" Kenny laughed. "Cartman they got a point now! You didn't throw it high enough!" Kyle huffed. "No Jews just doesn't know how to catch a football!" Cartman scoffed, crossing his arms. Stan chuckled, high-fiving Kenny. "Stop arguing and let's play again." Stan demanded, going back to where he was originally standing at the start of the game.

   Once all of them was in position Kenny went to throw the ball, but out of nowhere he was struck down by lightning. "Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" Stan yelled with wide eyes. "You basterds!!" Kyle screamed, with wide eyes. Cartman wasn't phased, he knew Kenny was immortal, he knew he was gonna see him again tomorrow. Or so he thought. "Guys bail! We need to bail!" Cartman said, running away. "But our friend! He just died!" Kyle said, fighting back. "We need to tell someone!!" Kyle cried out. "Come on Kyle!" Stan said, following Cartman. "No! I'm telling someone!" Kyle said, screaming out for help. Not to long after that a few adults ran over. Cartman and Stan were now long gone from the scene.

  Kyle's pov:

   'It's been a few days since Kenny died. His funeral is tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to keep composer when I look at Kenny in his casket. How did he even get struck by lightning? It wasn't raining. I hate this!!' Kyle thought, while staring out the window. He looked at the time realizing that he only had 10 minutes to get to the bus stop. He grabbed his bag and sped walked to the bus stop. "Hey guys." I said, looking at the other two boys. "Oh, hey dude." Stan said, putting his hands in his pockets and looking at me. "Hey Jew." Cartman said, looking down at the ground. I looked at the ground it still felt weird not having Kenny at the bus stop. He would make funny jokes that kept the long wait for the bus not boring, but now it's boring.. And cold.

Cartman pov:

  'I thought he'd be back. He's always back. He promised he'd be back everytime. Why isn't he here. He's immortal. Where is he?!' I said in my head, panicking. I felt a panic attack coming. I looked away from the other two and quietly cried. The bus arrived and I quickly got on, sitting down on the bus. 'Kenny isn't here. I have no one to sit with, nobody to joke with. FUCK!' I said in my head now getting frustrated.

Stans pov:

  'I can tell how hard Kenny's death hit us our group hasn't been the same since Kenny died. Cartman has had this panicked look on his face, did he have something to do with it? No, he'd never. I can tell how much Kyle is hurting he looks so sad. I miss Kenny I wish he could just come back.' I said in my head, tearing up. 'He looked so scary after he was struck by that lighting I couldn't look anymore. His hair was falling out and his body was all burnt.. He looked like he was in so much pain and I couldn't help him!' I said in my head, tears now streaming down my face.

No ones pov:

Once everyone got off the bus, they made their way to their locker, putting their stuff away. Everyone looked like they were affected by Kenny's death. Once everyone was at class there was a substitute. "Hi! My name is Mr. Trent! I will be your substitute for the next week while Mr. Garrison is on vacation! As long as you guys behave we should have a great week!" The new substitute introduced himself. As class went by everyone started to warm up and forget that Kenny was gone. It was still all in their heads, but they weren't focused on it. Cartman took a straw and piece of paper, blowing a spit ball at the back of Mr. Trent's head. "Who did that?!" Mr. Trent asked, turning around. "It was the Jew! Kyle!" Cartman said, blaming it on Kyle. "What! It wasn't me!" Kyle said, with a scoff. "Kyle see me out in the hallway after class." Mr. Trent demanded. As time went on class was finally over. Everyone was going to lunch except for Kyle. Kyle was in the hallway with Mr. Trent. "Mr. Trent please believe me it wasn't me who did that to you! It was Cartman!" Kyle pleaded. Mr. Trent slammed Kyle up against the locker and got in his face. "If you dare do that again I'll make your life a living hell for the next few days I'm here. I do not tolerate children like you. I have a very low temper. I wouldn't test your luck. If you tell anyone about this its over for you kid." Mr. Trent threatened him. Kyle nodded over and over again. Once his lecture was over, Kyle marched down to the cafeteria and glared at Cartman, but then he remembered what Mr. Trent said about telling anyone. He just sat down and didn't say anything. Mr. Trent's words just going through his head.


Yeah, hi writer here. Uhm just to remind you this is indeed based off a dream I had. Except I added the detail to it. Hopefully this makes sense? And that they are 14-16

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