No!! Not you too!!

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Kyle's pov:
'Finally, I'm home.' Kyle thought to himself. He took out his phone, checking the time. 'Did it really take me 45 minutes to get home?' He sighed, putting it away. He set his stuff down in his room, walking back downstairs. He made his way to the dining room, looking at his plate of food and his family. "Well Mr. Where have you been?!" His mother asked, crossing her arms. "I just don't walk as fast today, sorry mother." He said, using his usual excuse. He slowly ate his food, pushing it away when he only ate half. "I'm done, I'm gonna go take a shower."

He entered the bathroom, slowly undressing and taking a shower. Once his shower was over he got dressed. He went to his room, laying down in bed. He was immediately out.


The next day at school Mr.Trent told everyone to get out their homework. That's when it dawned on Kyle. He looked at his blank homework sheet. He must of been so exhausted yesterday that he totally forgot about it. Mr.Trent walked up and looked down at the blank paper. "Kyle why isn't your homework finished?" "I'm so sorry sir, I was really exhausted last night and forgot to do it." Kyle said, looking down. "Please come meet me outside." Mr.Trent scoffed, grabbing Kyle's paper and walking into the hallway. Kyle walked into the hallway with his arms crosses. Mr. Trent slapped Kyle with the paper absolutely screaming at him. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE TOP OF THE CLASS?!" He screamed, shoving Kyle against the wall, crumbling up the paper. Kyle nodded. "Yes sir I am!! I'm sorry! Please understand me!" He frowned. The teacher shoved the paper down Kyle's throat. Kyle started to cough it up, crying. The teacher kicked him. "Meet me at the back of the school or your brother gets it." He threatened, walking in the classroom. Kyle laid there for a hot minute, coughing, holding his side. He had bruises. "That asshole!!"

Kyle got back up and walked into the classroom, not saying anything. The bell rang and it's was finally lunch. Kyle walked to lunch not eating anything. His stomach hurt to much to even stand he didn't want to stand in the lunch line or even move. "Dude what's wrong?" Stan asked, looking at Kyle, patting his back. Kyle gasped in pain, and pushed his arm away. "I'm fine, I just tripped up the steps." He lied, looking away, laying his head on the table. Stan knew something wasn't right.


A few hours later they were all walking to the entrance of their school. "Hey I'll see y'all later I need to talk to someone." Kyle said, waving, leaving his friends and walked into the back of the school. "I'm gonna follow him, I don't trust this situation." Stan said, quietly following Kyle. Stan peeked over the side of the school, looking at Mr. Trent and Kyle. Kyle was arguing with the teacher. "You wanna get fucking pissy with me?!" The teacher yelled. "I didn't think I've ever had to use this on a kid." He growled, taking a bottle out. It was a small flask that looked like it was made out of PTFE. He unscrewed the cap and poured acid on Kyle's neck. Kyle started to scream, holding his neck. His screams went distant, his arms went numb and emotionless. He fell dead. The teacher walked into a door that lead into the school. Stan was in shock his body couldn't move. His best friend, laying there, not moving, emotionless. He then ran over, crying his eyes out and screaming. "KYLE!! KYLE!! WAKE UP MAN!! WAKE UP!!" He pushes on his dead best friend. Kyle's neck had a wide hole in the middle of it, he was bleeding everywhere. Stan kept screaming and crying, holding his best friend close to him. "No this can't be happening!! Why didn't I stop him, this is all my fault I was there! I could of done something.."

Stans pov:
It's been a few hours since then and Kyle's body was discovered and taken away. 'I should of done something... How could I not.' I thought to myself, looking at my hands which was now clean since I just got out of the shower. "His blood is on my hands... Damn it!! Damn it!!" I screamed, punching the mirror. 'It should of been me..' Stan thought, collapsing on the floor and crying.


Yeah uhm hiii too be continued <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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