10. ❝ daddy issues ❞ ✰

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OLIVIA WAS HOSTING a livestream on instagram for the cast. it was two days before they would meet up and they wanted to go live to talk before they met in person. "where is jacob?" tristan asked as soon as he joined. "that motherfucker is always late, i swear to god," liv rolled her eyes as she rested her elbows on her desk.

"you're still mad about that?" brady asked her, furrowing his eyebrows. "yes, brady. i am still mad about that for your information. he literally ruined everything and i'll hate him forever. but lemme stop before i start tearing up again," liv dramatically wiped her eyes before breaking out into a grin as soon as jacob joined.

user4: she switch up hella fast 💀
user801: liv's dramatic self >>>>>

"jacob, my man!" she clapped enthusiastically as jacob waved. "jacob, i'm not even gonna lie to you, bro, she was just talking hella trash about you," miguel told him. jacob's smile dropped as he gasped. "you fucking snitch! watch, i'm gonna kick you off my live and then you're gonna text me crying and begging for me to add you back," liv crossed her arms.

"guys, please, stop fighting. if you guys are like this when we meet up, becca and i are gonna leave," maddy complained to them. "what? no i'm not, this is so entertaining. please continue," rebecca motions for them to keep fighting. "rebecca!" maddy laughs. "if you idiots leave me with the boys, i'll fucking kill myself," liv leaned in towards her phone, shaking her head aggressively.

user43: the way maddy is the mom of the group and shes the youngest
user8: rebecca u little shit starter
user95: miguel is a snitch confirmed

"liv, you need to watch your language. children are watching," mason smirked. "no.. they're not. my fanbase is strictly mature 12 year olds and older. not my fault your fans are a bunch of 10 year old girls," liv rolled her eyes. "damn," miguel pressed his lips together to keep himself from laughing. "me — personally — i would not let her speak to me like that, mason," jacob shrugged making maddy and becca giggle.

"are you gonna be exactly like this when i see you on monday?" mason asked the girl. liv pressed her lips to a straight line before nodding. "wow, okay," mason narrowed his eyes. "can you guys please stop flirting for once, please?" miguel put his hands together to make it look like he was begging. "miguel, this is your last chance. i will kick you off so fast," liv stated.

user25: LIV HAS HAD IT
user576: miguel knows everybody business HELP 😭😭😭

tristan began saying something, but his screen started glitching and his words became distorted. everyone went silent for a couple of seconds before bursting out into laughter. "you're a robot, bitch, you're glitching," liv continued laughing. "mcdonald's ass wifi," rebecca shook her head. "STOP," was all you could hear from tristan because he was still lagging.

user692: its okay liv is rich she can pay for his super duper extra fast extravaganza wifi

"user692, you're right, but do i really wanna waste my hard earned money on that fool?" liv put a finger to her chin, rubbing it to make it look like she was thinking. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FOOL?" tristan screeched into his phone. "you literally sound like a five nights at freddy's character," liv started laughing again, covering her mouth.

"anyways, changing the subject to better and more important things! since i'm hosting this live and have the power to kick anyone off—" liv began.

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