Weather Mayhem

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Nobody's POV:

Inside Juvia and Gray's living complex, stood a blue haired water mage fretting about her son and his abilities.

Her husband, who was also the boys father, was out on a quest, which left Juvia with Storm as she panicked with no one to calm her down.

Outside, the rain poured twice as hard all over Magnolia. Citizens thought of it as crazy weather, but the guild members knew it was Juvia.

Countless times they'd gone to visit her and countless times she'd tell them not very assuring lies. Such as, "Oh no, everything is fine. Juvia has everything under control. Storm is just a little grumpy."

She found out that Storm inherited her ability to control the weather while Gray was gone. He'd left on a 1-2 month long quest somewhere near Crocus which left him with a feeling of sadness looming over him.

Of course, since Warren had created the portable lacrimas he could still call them despite the distance. A week after he left, he called them and asked how they were.

Storm had already started using his ability by then and Juvia developed terrible eyebags. Naturally, Gray noticed and asked if he should go back home.

Juvia panicked and said no, so he moved on and asked about the weather since he could see the stormy grey clouds in the background.

Storm had coincidentally woken up and the rain started pouring even harder which left Gray suspicious.

"Juvia? Is everything okay? Should I just go back?" Concerned for his wife and child, Gray was ready to up and leave, abandoning the quest he was on.

"H-huh? Oh no! Please don't! We're perfectly fine here!" Juvia's face contorted from worry, to panic, to false reassurance.

"Are you sure? Really, I can-" Juvia cut him off, "NO! Uh- I- Juvia means, uh, oh, it seems the rain is interrupting the signal! Goodbye Gray-sama, see you when you get back!" And thus the call ended.

But not before Gray noticed the rain falling thrice as hard. 'Should I really just ignore them? No, it'll be fine. Juvia can handle it.'

= = = =

Juvia's POV:

"Oh no, oh dear, shh, shh, it's okay Storm, kaa-san's here." I whispered the words to our child as I bounced him lightly in my arms to keep him from crying.

Around 3 days after Gray-sama left, Storm cried and affected the weather for the first time. At the time, Juvia hadn't noticed the reason why.

Everything is so clear now though. Storm had inherited Juvia's ability to control the weather based on his mood. Juvia tried her best to always keep him happy, but even when he was happy it still poured.

Why though? Storm'd stopped crying and I looked out the window and stared at the grey clouds, the rain droplets on the window distorting the outside. It can't be Juvia, can it?

But... Juvia is happy? I looked back down to Storm and placed him in his crib again. Juvia went to the kitchen and started to prepare dinner as she was going to eat after feeding Storm.

"What if Gray-sama gets angry at Juvia? Maybe he'll leave Juvia because of this?! What to do? Should I lie? But then the city will forever be in rain!" I slumped onto the kitchen counter as I panicked to myself.

= = = =
-2 weeks later-
= = = =

Nobody's POV:

"Yo, Juvia." Gray's voice echoed through the walls of his home through Juvia's lacrima phone. "Hello, Gray-sama!" Juvia's cheery voiced caused Gray to smile.

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