Chapter 15

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AAHHHHH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !          I hate my school!

Ok...I feel better now...sorry bout that...

Anyway I know I haven’t written in a while and you all probably hate me for that...

I've just been preoccupied and such.

Ok back to the story...

My childhood friend just moved back...and he's a total god

Chapter 15!


"Hey! Quit hogging the hairspray Cherri!" Lea whined as Cherri sprayed the top of her head for about the 15th time.

Cherri sighs and chucks the can at Lea while she isn't looking.

"AAHHH!" Lea screeches as it smacks her in the back of her head.

"Cherri!" Sam exclaims.

"Sorry," Cherri mumbles and goes back to fixing her hair.

I chuckle silently. Who knew getting ready for a party would be so dangerous. I glanced towards my window and looked through. I could see Zane and the rest of the guys chilling in his room. Zane sees me watching them. He opens up his window and I do the same.

"When are you girls gonna be ready?" Zane whines.

"Soon! Be patient! It's hard being a girl!" I yell over.

"True that!" Sam says nodding her head.

"UUgggghhhh," Zane mumbles/groans. "Fine we'll give you guys 20 more minutes!"

"Ok!" I scream and shut my window.

20 minutes later we're all ready...well, with the exception of Cherri.

"Oh my God Cherri, your hair looks fine! In fact, it looks amazing! So stop messing with it!" Lea says as Cherri does the finishing touches on her hair.

It honestly looks the same as it did 30 minutes ago.

Cherri gets up and we all head out of my house. We strut over to Zane's house in a "we know that we're lookin goooood" kinda way.

Matt opens the door and runs out.

"Finally! Let's go!" he says in an exasperated tone.

I walk over to Zane.

He wraps an arm around my waist.

"Well aren't you lookin mighty fine," Zane says.

"Yes," I say. "Yes I am,"

I smile at him and he chuckles.

"Someone thinks highly of themselves," Zane says jokingly.

We walk over to Zane's bike while our friends are about to get into the van.

"Wow Chris, you're smokin'" Sam says.

"Than-" Chris starts and then gets cut off by Sam.

"As in, I'm gonna burn that shirt right now unless you change it," she says then bursts out in laughter.

We all laugh along with her. Chris stares at Zane with evil eyes.

"Zane! You said this shirt was cool!" Chris shouts.

Zane starts laughing harder.

"I did? I don't recall ever saying that!" Zane says acting innocent.

"I'm borrowing one of your shirts!" Chris yells as he stomps into Zane’s house. He comes back a couple seconds later with new shirt on.

"That's better," Lea says and everyone nods their head in agreement.

My childhood best friend just moved back...and he's a total god (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now