My childhood best friend just moved back...and he's a total god

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Memories of me and the dark-haired boy flitted through my head. Us swinging at the park in autumn , having a water balloon fight on a hot summer day, and the countless times we had opened our windows and sat on the ledge and talked for hours. He was my best friend. Not the only best friend I had but the truest. I told him everything and he did the same. Such good memories that brought so much pain. Memories that were at least 7 years old. They were the last memories I had of him, because he had moved away. I haven't seen or heard from him in 7 long years...but now he's moving back, and I have no idea what to do.

I remember my mom telling me that he was moving back, since she told me only 3 weeks ago.




I was sitting at my desk, sketching, when I heard my door crack open. My mom walked in and sat on my bed facing me.

 "Brianna'" my mom said excitedly."I have some good news."

 "What is it?" I asked curiously.

 "Do you remember the Hudsons?" she asked me.

  How could I forget? Memories of Zane crowded my head. I blinked back tears.

 "Yes," I replied emotionlessly.

 "Well they're moving back here!"

 I was speechless.





 I could barely get my mind to wrap around the idea.

 "Aren't you happy?" my mom asked with a worried look on her face.

 "I don't know," I answered honestly.

 "Ok, I'll give you some time to soak up the news then. "

And with that, she quietly left my room.


                                                            (End of flashback)


My mom and Ms. Hudson were good friends and had stayed in touch after they moved away. It wasn't the same for me and Zane though. All we did was say our goodbyes and try to move on. It was probably easier for him than me. I cried for nights on end thinking about him and wishing he could've stayed. Losing a best friend when you're 8 is a traumatizing thing. Zane was actually a year older than me. And now it's 7 years later and he's moving back just like that. My mom said they'd be here in exactly a month-and that was exactly 30 days ago. You guessed it, they are arriving tomorrow. My mom has already planned to invite them to our house for dinner. She's working harder than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest to get the house cleaned. I'm a nervous wreck, but I try not to show it. I've spent many hours this month drawing and sketching to keep myself busy. It worked a little, but I'm still very aware that I'm seeing my childhood best friend in a matter of hours.

My childhood best friend just moved back...and he's a total god (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now