Thank you

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I wish I could tell you how thankful I am that I had 25 years with you,
I wish I could tell you how glad I am you chose to be my mum,
I wish I could thank you for taking me in when I was 2,
I wish I could thank you for loving me.

Thank you for always being there for me,
Thank you for not treating me different to the others,
Thank you for always making me feel like yours,
Thank you for being the best mum ever.

If I could go back in time I would say thank you for giving me a home,
I would say thank you for all the memories I have of you,
I would say thank you for always making sure I took my tablets even though I always complained.

I wish I could tell you how thankful I am that I got to live my life with you,
I wish I could tell you how thankful I am to have had you in my life,
I wish I could go back and say sorry for never appreciating how hard it was to deal with me,
So thank you.

To my Mum and Dad Where stories live. Discover now