Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

Hi, my name is Alex. I'm 10 years old. I have a sweet mom and a supportive but strict dad. I'm an only child so they love me wholeheartedly. But sometimes I felt lonely when mom and dad were busy with their work and all. I hope I've someone to play with.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I guess mom and dad planned something. They haven't come home yet. It's already 10pm. My nanny told me to eat dinner and as I was hungry I ate it.

Now I'm lying on my bed. Waiting for my mom to come and wish me goodnight with a goodnight kiss. She always does that. She said it made the nightmares go away.

I was about to pull my comforter over my head when I heard some commotion from the living room. I got up from my bed and went to my bedroom door. I peered through the door and saw my dad and mom. They returned! My mom went to the kitchen and drank some water then I saw my dad. He went to the living room but he was carrying someone. A little boy to be exact. He put the boy on the sofa and talked with my mom. That boy has a bandage on his forehead. I don't know what was going on. There's so many questions floating in my mind. Like who's that boy? What is he doing here? Why did mom,dad bring him here? and all.

I was thinking all this when my mom saw me and came to my room and open the door wide

"Baby why are you still up?"

"Mommy I was waiting for you and dad. Then I heard the noises so I went to look."

I pointed at the little boy who was sleeping in the living room.

"Who is that little boy mommy?" I was curious to know.

"Baby let's sleep now and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning at breakfast. Okay?"

"Okay mommy!"

Mommy laid me down on my bed, put my comforter back and kissed my forehead as always and went out of the room.

I woke up to my alarm. It's 7am. My school was at 10am. So I got up and went to the bathroom. When I was done showering and all dressed I went to the kitchen and my mom and dad was already there. Mom was still making coffee for dad. So I greet them and sit on my seat.

"Good morning mommy, daddy!" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning baby boy. Sleep well?" Dad asked.

I nodded.

Mom gave the coffee to dad and put a little heavy breakfast in front of me. And I started to eat.

"So baby…… that boy from yesterday is Nattarin. We were returning home yesterday when suddenly he came in our way and got hit by our car. Luckily it was a light hit so he wasn't that hurt. Only his forehead hit the road so we took him to the hospital."

Mom explained.

"After all of that we got to know that he was from an orphanage. So we went to that orphanage and talked to them. They were also worried. That boy got out of the orphanage without telling anyone and he said he was trying to find his mommy so he went to find her."

Mommy added.

I got sad for that lil boy. Then nodded in understanding.

"Baby your mommy and I was thinking of taking him in our family. What do you say? You also will have a little brother to play." Daddy asked me.

I don't know if I want a baby brother. So I was thinking. When my mom went to their room and came back with the little boy in her arms.

That little boy was still rubbing his eyes. My mom sat down with him in her lap. He opened his eyes fully this time and looked at me.

And OH GOD! his eyes were so cute. His cheeks were the highlight. It was tinted in pink. I couldn't help the urge to pinch his cheeks so I got off my seat and went to him and pinched his cheeks. It was soooo soft, fluffy and pinkish. Like a cotton candy. I wonder what if I bite his cheeks? Will it be sweet like cotton candy? I really wanna know.

My mom dad laughed at me because I pinched his cheeks and caressed it if I accidentally pinched him hard so his cheeks would be in pain. He looked at me with his cute big eyes and smiled. He was already sooo cute and his smile made him even cuter. His smile is the best thing I've ever seen. I smiled back and went to my seat and finished my breakfast.

Because that little boy was so much cute I agreed to mom and dad to adopt him.

Dad dropped me off in my school and went to that orphanage with mom for the things that needed to be done for them to be a guardian of that cutie.

I was so happy that, that cutie would be my little baby brother. I'm so glad. And because of my excitement my school hours went in a blink. And now I'm more excited to go to home and play with my cutie baby brother.

When I got back home he was at my room playing with my toys.

"Baby do not fight with him ok? He is still new to this environment. So take care of him as a big brother ok?" Mommy asked.

How could she think I'll fight with my pookpik. I'd never fight with him. I'll love him with all my heart. He's so little so I'll protect him. So I nodded my head and went to my room. We played some more and then mom called us for lunch.

I totally forgot that today was my birthday because of this cutie. But the celebration in the evening was good and more memorable because I've my baby brother beside me. But above every gift I loved his gift. He made me a birthday card. In that card he drew me and him. It was so sweet. I thanked him and pecked his cheeks and I don't know why but his face turned red like a tomato.

But what I didn't like was that my friend Mile gave him too much attention. I mean it's my birthday and he's MY pookpik!! I noticed my pookpik wasn't comfortable with him so I took him with me to the couch, holding his hand and told him not to leave my side. Because I didn't want anyone to make him uncomfortable. And he did just that.

"Are you ok now pookpik??" I asked as we sat down on the couch.

"Yes phi!! That phi was trying to pinch my cheeks and I didn't like it." He said with a pout.

I caressed his cheeks as I said "Pookpik don't let anyone touch your cheeks ok? You are my cute, little cutie pie, only I can squeeze your cheeks like this ok??" As I gently squeeze his soft cheeks.

"Okie phi." He said as he giggled.

I'm really sorry guys for deleting the previous chapter. I did some edits and added the character part and changed the characters names and Bright's character also so I had to delete it..

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Stay tuned for the next update....

Luv you all ♥️♥️
& Stay safe and healthy.....

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