Important Notes

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This book contains mature scenes which some readers may find upsetting. This book also contains topics such as death, OD, drugs, alcohol and abuse. If any of these topics are upsetting or triggering for you, I would recommend clicking off now as these topics will NOT be listed at the top of each chapter and I do not want to be responsible for triggering someone. Viewer digression is advised. 18+.

Notes for readers
The updates for this book differ quite often. They may be extremely slow for a long period but then very quick within the space of a few days, meaning I cannot offer days or times when chapters will come out.

Please note that if you read chapters as soon as they are published, they are most likely to be lightly edited or not edited at all.

Changes in the book may also happen as our editors go back over chapters and change details. They are usually quite minor, but it is possible.

Grammatical errors shouldn't happen too often, but if you find some which our editors have not picked up on, you may message me or them. (Editor tags can be found in the description).

Disclaimer - I do not speak Lithuanian nor do I speak much Spanish. All items on the book within these languages have not been edited and are merely a very loose translation from Google Translate. If you do speak either of these languages it would be very much appreciated if you could let me know if they have been translated correctly or inform me if not. In addition to this, this book will not have translations within the text for when these languages are spoken. You should hopefully be able to pick up on context though from the way it's written. The comments may also come in handy.

Thank you all for taking your time to read and understand this before you begin this book. Enjoy! ☺️

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