Twenty-One: The Return Of Henry

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Jimmy's POV

I was walking around Walmart with Elise, Grace, and Zacky, looking to find places to create chaos. We decided to try some of the ways to get kicked out of Walmart, because it was always something we wanted to do. We actually wrote down the things we wanted to try out of the 333 things to do to get kicked out. We haven't started yet, but we plan on doing so soon. 

"So, one of us could try hiding in the ricks of clothes and yelling at people when they browse through, another can try hacking the intercom with those little phones spread out around the store, someone can tape walkie talkies to the toys and say creepy things to people who walk by, and someone can throw things into other aisles to start." Zacky said, looking through our list.

"I call the the clothes rack!" I yelled out.

"I call the intercom!" Grace said.

"I'll take throwing things into other aisles!" Elise exclaimed, and I imagined that one going down in my head. 

"Alright, so I've got the walkie talkies and toys." Zacky replied with a smirk. "Grace, here's the code for the intercom that we managed to get." He handed her a small piece of paper.

"Thank you, babe. I shall have fun with this!" She said before kissing him lightly. I can just imagine the things people are going to hear broadcasted throughout the store.

We split up and I ran towards the nearest clothing section, jumping in between the clothes to the middle of the rack like I was a small child. I waited for the first person to come through, hearing their cart approach first, it was one of those carts with a squeaky wheel that I just can't stand. Time to punish this person for having a squeaky wheel. 

They started to browse, and I stuck my head out through the clothes. "GET A QUIETER CART, YOU'RE MAKING MY EARS BLEED!!!" I shouted, and the woman screamed and jumped back. I saw her run off, leaving her cart but taking her purse with her. I thought she was really going to get another cart until she came back, I could hear her complaining to an employee. Well this oughta be fun. 

"There's a man in there, he jumped out at me and yelled at me for having a noisy cart!" The woman told the employee.

"Well if you really insist that I look...." The employee, also female, replied. She sounded like an older woman, maybe in her fifties.

"I do!" The woman said firmly. I heard the employee sigh before she looking through the clothes, and after a few minutes, revealed me. "Well it seems you were right." She told the woman, sounding less than satisfied. The employee's name tag said Debbie.

"Sir--" Debbie started, but I cut her off by shouting,


Debbie frowned at me. "Sir, you need to come out of there."

"But this is my hoooommmeeee!" I whined.

"No it's not, it's a clothes rack. Now come out of there and stay out, or I will get security." Debbie threatened, and I made a pouty face and slowly removed myself from the clothes rack. Once I was out, Debbie left, and the customer studied me to see if I'd get back in once Debbie was gone. I stared at the customer for a little while before casually walking away like nothing happened.

 On my way back to the center of the store which was where we all agreed to meet up once we'd done our jobs, I heard the intercom pick up. Grace's voice rang out through the store. 

Starting with an employee's name, she said, "David, your grandmother is waiting for you at the front desk with a fresh, new, CLEAN pair of spongebob undies. She says they are going to be more comfortable since your not wearing any today. Also, she says not to soil them this time." I burst into laughter, of course Grace would say something like that.

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