Twenty-Four: Matt's Birthday And Basketball

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It'd been a couple days since Elise and I had gotten back together, and things were mostly back to normal. The only thing that was really different was that because we started over again and we were taking it slow, was that we didn't do some of things that we did before. For example, we haven't kissed or said 'I love you' yet because of the pace we're taking things at. But the good thing was that both of us were ok with that, we just wanted to take time to rebuild after what happened because even though we forgave each other and got back together, we're both still kind of hurting from it. Grace wasn't exactly in favor of the pace we were going, but it was funny to see her get impatient with us whenever she thought we should kiss.

Although, I can't say that I don't miss the way her lips felt against mine, or that I don't miss waking up with her next to me, being the first thing I see in the morning. But I knew we'd get there eventually with a little more time, and that gave me multiple things to look forward to. I was just happy to call her mine again, despite the lack of PDA we were using at the moment. Elise told me that she wanted me to make the first move so she'd know when we were ready for something, and I was agreed because I knew that she was always a little shy with things like that. Even though we'd done our teasing before and she'd gotten more comfortable with it, now that we restarted she kind of withdrew back to her old ways.

"So, what ever happened to Henry, anyway?" I asked Elise as I laid in between her legs on the couch, propped up by one elbow while we ate strawberries. You can always find us eating something, and when we are we're usually feeding it to each other, and that's exactly what we were doing. We had the box next to us in both our reach, and we'd take turns feeding a strawberry to each other. 

"Zacky beat the shit of him. He just came out of nowhere and tackled him." She laughed a little, and I found it amusing she thought someone getting the shit beat of them was funny.

"Was he bleeding too?" I acted really fascinated by the idea as she fed me a strawberry, but deep down I really did hope he was bleeding.

"Yup, he got it all over the floor in the aisle." She grinned happily. I chuckled as she said, "Needless to say, I don't think he'll be coming back any time soon, or ever."

I smiled and she opened her mouth when I held a strawberry over it. "Good, we couldn't have him trying to steal away my girl again." 

She blushed and said, "He could try, but he wouldn't succeed because I'd rather stay your girl." To hear her say things like that gave me those warm and fuzzy feelings she'd always given to me so well, just one of the many things that only she could do. It reminded me that she wasn't just any girl with just any background story, I grew up with her, she's my best friend and there's no one else I'd rather be with than her. I've heard before that best friends make the best lovers and I'm starting to see that it's true.

"What are we doing for Matt's birthday?" I asked out of curiosity, since his birthday was coming up in about a week. He'd be on his crutches still, but that didn't mean we couldn't do something fun. 

"I don't know, we haven't really decided yet. We have to do something that's laid back because he can't do a whole lot until he heals up completely." She said. "Grace and Zacky will get his cake taken care of, along with the ice cream." 

"What if we just have like a regular party at his place, and then when he gets off the crutches we can take him out for a late birthday celebration and go play laser-tag or something?" I suggested.

She smiled and nodded. "Sounds good to me, I'll have to ask him about that. It won't be long before he's out of the cast, just four more weeks or so, and by the time his birthday comes around it'll only be three."  I went to reach for another strawberry, but my hand found none. I looked to see only that there were none left. I made a pouty face and she giggled at me. "You make such a cute pouty face, Jimbo." 

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