•Tortured Dubiety•

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Chapter One- Tortured Dubiety

I could feel the moaning wind pass by the gentle origin of my skin, the soft yet compelling air surrounding my body in swaying orientations.

The knowledge I once was gifted with was slowly yet swiftly eradicating, away from my grasp the instant I began to reach for answers. Voluntarily, I made an attempt without any success to unscrew my sealed eyes; nothing came ensued in return. My negative part of the mind drew out my fears into the open.

Where am I?

The question that had remained, lingered for a long period of time until I finally came to a resolution to end the nightmares threatening to take place.

Without reflecting on anything other than what was going on around me, I immediately grew tense and weary the moment I felt a sharp acute ferrous sinking into me, causing me to suddenly squirm from my position.

My senses felt as though they were brought back to me and I could finally take hold of it, making it of good use. I heard a few short cut grasps- mainly deep and resonant.

I found my eyes finally giving in to my silent plead only moments before. I was confronted with the heaviness of my sore eyelids the second I gaped up at a variety of foreign faces above me. Suddenly when the blur reeked out, I found myself being stared down upon by strange men, all surrounding me with their vast eyes locked on mine in a profound way.

My heart mastered the beat of drums when my eyes travelled across the room, processing what involute situation I was in. The room I was contained in had possessed no features that could attract ones attention nor have an inviting or welcoming aura; instead, it was nothing I could decipher, all I could practically notice was that the room was numbing and shady. It was slightly overcrowded with machines and devises that had almost enclosed themselves around me in an irregular pattern.

The few men scattered across the room all had surgical masks on which were also consisted with blue scrubs. Awareness within me immediately escalated as I felt the cool air hit my bare flesh all over. Just as I made an attempt to reach and cover myself, one man came hurried towards me hastily and thrust my head back down onto the silky comfortable hospital bed, ensuring I didn't move an inch. The other men all hurried to each end of the room, doing whatever they thought was needed to be done.

I was completely bewildered and in utter confusion, of course, that was terminated in a split second as I saw the old man with grizzled held-back hair immediately plunge in a sharp object into me. I could barely realize the sudden motion when my vision was swallowed by darkness.


Hours had passed, I knew.

The way the air happened to have a sudden transformation caught me off guard. The dusty, grimy and visible air particles of the Earth's unclean substances were clearly introduced to me the second I awoke from the overwhelming pain within my shoulder blade.

I registered the fact that I was sprawled across the chilly, rigid floor; no more feeling the silky comfortable bed below me. I raised one elbow and- with much effort- managed to lift myself, taking in my surroundings with much regard to the few cardboard boxes that were placed on top of another in the corner. The side walls had hemmed me in a small rectangular area, ensuring there was no chance to flee.

A bump startled the life out of me, regardless of the fact that I was unsure whether I was dead or alive, but I had craved for answers. I felt myself slightly jump at the motion, I knew it was a clue as to my location; I leaned forward following behind my instincts and listened. I could hear the roaring of an engine, tangled up with many other sounds of either much more powerful and raucous noise or weak and barely noticeable within the others. I could feel the ground beneath me quiver with sufficient speed that it was only noticeable when the focus is drawn upon.

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