•Revenant Sorrow•

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Chapter two- Revenant Sorrow

The first step was slow, my eyes caught observing everything within the room. My 20/20 vision traced the dark, dull polished grounds under my heels.

My chest heaved as I took in a long breath for everything to process within my muddled mind. The room was dark and contained the shape of a small square. There were no windows visible to the eye and no lighting whatsoever. In fact, if I had looked close enough, I could see a lined automatic light fit between the gap of the walls. The ground was pure concrete and I wondered how the hell these people make a living.

How can they tell me to rest in a prison, such as this?

I shook, although now was the perfect time for negative thoughts, I won't need more negativity than I already have today; I will not jinx myself.

I am strong. I will not break.

I looked over my shoulder with a bewildered yet misery clear in my expression. Relatively, Sevyn had also carried it but replaced with a small forced smile. "I'll see you in the morning." She let out unevenly, her voice slightly shaky but didn't think much about it. It strongly looks as though she was forced into all of this, forced to be on his side, forced to do this, forced to smile at something disgusting such as this.

She shut the door and sealed it with a lock by a clinking noise I became conscious to. I inhaled a breath of encouragement and wondered what it was I was supposed to do exactly. I was finding it hard to believe if I was only to rest, but that was all I could really do with only a metal bed within the room.

Before I walked towards it, I took a glance around the corners of the room, my eyes mainly locked on the ceilings and walls for any hidden cameras. As I expected, there was a dark coloured tiny camera hidden just by the corner, almost camouflaged from sight.

I looked down once again and sealed my revenant, sorrowful eyes onto the metal bed with no bedding of sheets and mattresses whatsoever. It was visibly screaming un-comfort.

Before anything else had crossed my mind and thoughts, my eyelids suddenly felt enormously heavy. My body refusing to hold me up much longer- not a bad sign, but a rather tired one at that. A yawn suppressed me, causing me to be surprised. I was sleepy at a time like this?

No, another part of my mind spoke, it's the pill.

I clutched my hands into tight balls. Refusing to give into the temptation to shut my eyes forever and have a lifetime of peace.

I promise you, I will answer everything if you just follow our rules.

I recall the convincing words that were said to me not too long ago. I sighed defeatedly. Was I really going to give in this easily?

You have no other choice. My inner consciousness retorts.

I clench my hands into hard tiny fists, eventually un-clenching them by the lack of energy within me. My steps seem sluggish as I walk towards the metal flat bed, wishing it was the soft comfy mattress from earlier.

I sigh a sigh of relief as I sit on the bed and involuntarily close my eyes for deep hibernation, taking in the steady, peaceful, dark, encouraging silence.

Rest. Yes, that's what I just needed.


I awoke by the jolting electric shock stretching from my hands to arms to shoulder and eventually strides of my hair lifted themselves, defying gravity.

I thrust myself up and struggled to take in the covert scene. Men in lab coats around me, shock fiddling their eyes as they stare back at me. Bits and looses of wires on my scalp drew down along with my greasy, walnut hair. Flowing carelessly to my shoulders then to my wrists where it had been placed inside my vein.

My gaze drifted away from the wires and IV's luring where they shouldn't be and looked up at the men with cynical and repugnant eyes. Right before they seem to understand my expression clear and crystal, I began immediately ripping out the needles and wires stuck to me mildly.

"Get out!"

One man scurried to my direction, a pen and clipboard held seeming as messy as ever with his scruffy hair and glasses. "We didn't mean to pry, but-"

"I said get out! Now!" I threw the bits and pieces away from me as if it were poison to my veins, quite a possibility at that- and drew myself back into the room. "Now!"

The four or five men all middle aged apart from the one with the clipboard hung their heads, before departing. I held my position as they went out in single file, not before gathering their stupid work and belongings. The man with the clipboard though seemed to have other plans.

"Look, I need you to calm down, miss-"

"Telling a woman to calm down is like asking to be taken by the devil himself." I said, my eyes gripped him hard as iron as he took a step back from me in fear.

"I-We were brought by the command of Deimos, for further scrutiny." He stuttered, gulping before he continued. "We only are doing our jobs to protect you-"

"Protect me? You may as well kill me now if you even consider that as protection! Do not play me for a fool, I'm not stupid!"

My heart was shaking with fear of what will be happening further ahead of time. Will it be like this everyday? As if I was under viral surveillance.

"Let the boy speak, man."

Both our heads snapped to the one direction the voice popped out from. By the door stood a tall, lanky man. His brown hair swiped to one side. He wore dark sleeveless coat that held nothing but mystery to his identity. No weapons or swords that may bear his title within this unforgiving place.

"You've barely let him finish every time you open that big mouth of yours."

My mouth was literally apart when he finished that revolting sentence, I wanted to beat him to the stick every time he said a word. All in all, I disliked him. "And who in the hell are you?"

"If be it, I'll have no choice but be the master of hell. But otherwise, the name's Clinton. Clint for short." He said, sending a wink my way. I cringed as a shiver ran down my spine at his motion. He excused the clipboard man out in which he gratefully nodded in acknowledgement and ran off after his team. I fought the urge to run with him.

"So, how is it a beautiful woman like you, end up in here?" He questioned, strolling to one side of the room with ease, without a care in the world. "Tell me, how exactly you made the bad list in Deimos' form?" He cocked his head at me with a lop-sided grin, caught sight of a piercing from under his bottom lip.

I frowned. Trying to think back and recall any memory before the abduction.

The man caught my expression and the laugh disappeared from his face. "Forget I said anything. get up and follow me, will you."

I was about to speak when he tuned to look at me, One pierced eyebrow raised expectantly. "In silence."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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