♡Author's Notes♡

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♡ This is a rewritten version of "The Vocalist's Missing Key". I own the book I just lost access to the account. ♡
♡ All the character's in this story will be after high school, (maybe college?) because same. I've loved Bandori since freshmen year in highschool, so I grew up with it. I ain't a weirdo. ♡
♡ The nesos shown above are my own. I love them so much. ♡
♡ Main Characters: Mashiro Kurata (BanG Dream Girl's Band Party) Reona Nyubara/PAREO (BanG Dream Girl's Band Party ♡
♡ IMPORTANT NOTE: Pareo x Chu2 is essentially canon but it's a discomfort for me. I don't appreciate any disrespect towards my discomfort. Thank you
♡ IG: yummymunchymommymilkies♡

♡Pareshiro: Like A Butterfly♡Where stories live. Discover now